JAINITUOS ANIME REVIEWS – Ninja Slayer From Animation – Studio Trigger Reviews


Studio: Trigger

Genre: Science-Fiction, Action

Domo my friends!

I am Jaime.

Welcome to another entry of Anime Review.

And, as I promised, I am working in another entry of Studio Trigger Reviews, in this case, one that definitely has some of the most insane, hysterical, and mind-blowing ninja troupes to the maximum, becoming a worthy successor of Inferno Cop in all its glory.

I am talking about…


Forgive me, here, these lovely maidens are our protagonists.

And I am ready to juice off this series with my review. But before I continue, my friends, I must ask you the typical question, especially in these days:

Are you ok? Feeling healthy? Staying at home?

If the answer is yes, then I am very happy. And I leave you with the same words that I left before on my reviews.


Remember, the coronavirus is a very dangerous disease, because its damage is unpredictable, so listen to the doctors and follow the quarantine, avoid social gatherings. I know it’s hard, but its necessary.

We will beat this together. We will!!!

With that said, let’s go with Ninja Slayer: From Animation.


images (2)NINJAnancy

(Featuring a cameo from Rocksteady)

Based on the novels written by Bradley Bond, Philip Ninj@ Morzez, and illustrated by Warainaku, Ninja Slayer From Animation tells the story of Kenji Fujikido, an average salaryman whose family is killed by ninjas in a turf war; seeking vengeance, Kenji was possessed by a mysterious entity, called Naraku Ninja, and both create this powerful being called Ninja Slayer, who hunts ninjas in all the fictional city of Neo-Saitama.


Sorry, can’t stop thinking of ONE-PUNCH MAN every time Neo-Saitama is mentioned

Ninja Slayer consists in 26 episodes, and since is a ONA, like Inferno Cop, each episode is 10-15 minutes long. Overall, the series is directed by Akira Amemiya, a renowned figure in Studio Trigger, animating many episodes of Little Witch Academia, Gurren Lagann and SSSS Gridman.




Oh boy… Where to start?

Firstly, Ninja Slayer is animated in the same ridiculous way as Inferno Cop, but with brighter colours and more facial expressions. The animation uses a single full body cut of each character and crashes it with another one. Imagine that scene of Spaceballs, in which Dark Helmet plays with dolls, but louder.


Ah!!! Childhoods!!

Finally, loyal to that insane style of animation, it features explosions out of nowhere every time an opponent is defeated, thanks to a very magical word.

[HorribleSubs] Ninja Slayer - 01 [720p][(007179)20-01-09]

(Sorry guys. I couldn’t find decent GIFS)

And like I mentioned before, Ninja Slayer wants vengeance for the murder of his family, just like The Punisher, and there some flashbacks featuring his wife and son, so you get hooked with the character because you feel his inner turmoil. And that is wonderful. The only problem? You end up forgetting about that. Why? Because you are so distracted by the absurdity of the action, the sloppy editing, the shaky camera, the bright colours, etc, that you forget there is a story.

In fact, it looks like the ONA itself forgets about that.



Furthermore, the fights are extremely basic in terms of structure. What do I mean by this? They all follow some determined steps. The fighters introduce themselves with Domo, I am… , next

  1. there is some filler dialogue,
  2. fighting in the laziest fashion possible,
  3. the bad guy dies,
  4. the bad guys says sayonara…
  5. explosion (Bakuretsu)

Again, going with the weirdest elements possible, Ninja Slayer also pays homage to those 90s ninja animes, including Ninja Scroll, Ninja Gaiden, Rurouni Kenshin, but also in a really over the top fashion that you cannot stop laughing about. In other words, the disparity between the background of our protagonist and the story-telling, if there is any, is so evident that you cannot stop enjoy it for the most ludicrous reason.

In terms of story, I even compare Ninja Slayer with…


Venom is supposed to be a faithful adaptation of the Marvel anti-hero, and it starts well, but from the second act, the movie abruptly departs from its source material, becoming a weird mix of ridiculous dialogue, unintentional comedy, messy action, awkward chemistry between Tom Hardy and Michelle Williams and parts that as logical as another entry of The Fast and The Furious.

But before this becomes a Venom review, I wanted to say that, just like with Inferno Cop, it is impossible to tell if this vision was intended for Ninja Slayer or not, but you are trying to cope with all that mess. Unless you don’t take too seriously Ninja Slayer, you will immediately think that this ONA is as bad or worse than Inferno Cop. Even after the supporting cast is slowly introduced, it happens the same.

And forgive for this.



I will get there later.

But yeah. Don’t take the story too seriously. It’s basically for fun, like the rest.



And with Ninja Slayer, we got a bunch of «lively» characters, that help our hero in his quest of vengeance, including the high schooler Koki Yamoto, who gets possessed by another entity; Dragon Yukano, a well-endowed ninja, who is the daughter of Ninja Slayer’s sensei, training him to keep Naraku Ninja in check, and… Nancy Lee, a journalist and hacker that gets information for Ninja Slayer.

And, with the exception of Koki, both Nancy and Yukano have a very important purpose… Fanservice.


The supporting cast has a lot of cool scenes and great powers, and the background of Koki is one of the best elements of Ninja Slayer From Animation, but, for the most part, you see them adding more sauce to the madness of the series.

And, I want to mention to Nancy Lee and her… attributes.


With great well-endowed, comes great responsibility

But seriously, you will be surprised of the ridiculous amount of fanservice that comes from her, as well as Dragon Yukano; but, to its credit, you always enjoy it, even as some kind of guilty pleasure.

But what kind of ninja will Ninja Slayer be without rivals? We got these two.





Silver Karusu

Both of them really adding a lot of fun.


Ninja Slayer 6

(Megumin’s wet dream)


And that was Ninja Slayer From Animation.

To be honest, it is a really bad ninja ONA, but that is part of the fun. The crazy action, the bright colours, the lazy editing, the fanservice, the over-the-top elements; all combined to make a really entertaining series that, like Venom, will always bring you with a great time, or a big laugh.

In other words, a guilty pleasure.

Definitely is better than Inferno Cop, but not a merit due to the latter also being bad. Just don’t take them seriously, and you will have a great time.


And thanks guys for being with me in another Studio Trigger review. Join me next time for another one, until we get to BNA: Brand New Animal, but before I give you a hint, here is a question.

Have you ever imagine Harry Potter combined with Magical Girl genre?

Let’s ask this lovely lady.




JAINITUOS ANIME REVIEWS – Kiznaiver – My own Impressions


Studio Trigger

Genre: Action, Science Fiction

Hey guys.

Welcome to another anime review.

And today, I am going to talk about some interesting project that I saw years ago, but I really wanted to review it, especially since soon we are going to see the new project from Studio Trigger.

images bna- brand new animal


OH YES… I am announcing that I am going to do reviews from all of the Studio Trigger works.

Now… with that said, I bring you…


But before I continue, I must ask the typical question.

Are you guys ok? Washing your hands? Maintaining Social Distancing?

If the answer is yes, then I am happy, especially because of these difficult times from the coronavirus. We must have faith and rest assured that we will overcome this trauma together, just follow the instructions from the doctors and WHO (World Health Organization; but mostly importantly…


Having said that, lets continue.



Released in 2016, and based on the manga written by Roji Karegishi, Kiznaiver takes place on the futuristic city of Sugomori City, where technology has apparently reached its peak; however, one of the most «interesting» inventions of Sugomori is the Kizna System, a special connection that allows people to understand themselves by sharing their own suffering, both physical and mental.

And now, it is the turn of high schooler, Katsuhira Agata, and some of his classmates, to be part of this Kizna System, all under the leadership of a beautiful, yet mysterious girl, called Noriko Sonozaki.

The anime of Kiznaiver is written by the renowned Mari Okada, and the music is composed by Yuki Hayashi. Do you which other anime he composed for?


That’s right. My Hero Academia

Anyway. Kiznaiver consists of 12 episodes, directed by Hiroshi Kobayashi, who also worked as director in many episodes of Kill la Kill.

Now… how is the…



Well. Before I continue, I must start reviewing the story with the element that, just like with any Studio Trigger work, becomes a very significant trademark of Kiznaiver. And that is… the animation.

Most likely, many fans from Studio Trigger will expect a very vivid, crazy, and expressive animation, of the same caliber of Kill la Kill, Little Witch Academia, or Space Patrol Luluco. However, when you see half of Kiznaiver, you understand that is more similar from animes like Darling in the Franxx and SSSS Gridman. I comprehend of why for many people that detail will be a bit disappointing, and at the beginning, I was sad too, especially because I thought that the story was kind of slow.

But… Don’t worry, because at the second half of Kiznaiver, you meet with some pretty decent character development, from all of them, and some of revelations of why the Kizna System is the way it is. That alone is what gives to both their characters and story their own identity, especially in comparison to other Studio Trigger works.

Well… What else can you expect from the sensitivity of Mari Okada? Also, check Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms, and you will become a fan of hers. In fact, there is something I must share with you, the word «Kiznaiver» is derived from «wound/scar» (kizu), and «bond/connection» (kizuna). You see? There is a deeper meaning from the terminology of the story. (Thanks Wikipedia.) And, to be honest… This is one of the things that I end up enjoying from Kiznaiver, a mixture between art and storytelling that encourages to think to reflex about life.

But if you are expecting some like Kill la Kill, Space Patrol Luluco or Little Witch Academia in terms of animation. you might get disappointed.

On the other hand, the music is really wonderful. Yuki Hayashi does a really good job with the soundtrack; moreover, the opening song, Lay your hands on me, is performed by BOOM BOOM SATELLITES, which has a beautiful mix of techno and pop that makes it sounique. And the ending is Hajimari no Sokudo (はじまりの速度) by Sangatsu no Phantasia. Another beautiful song. (Again… Thanks Wikipedia).

Overall, I must commend Studio Trigger for taking a new kind of story for Kiznaiver.



And just like with the story, the characters from Kiznaiver are capable to inspire some curiosity. At first sight, it seems that the cast is just a bunch of stock characters from anime, like the aloof white-haired pretty boy (Katushira), the tsunderish childhood friend (Chidori), the brute, jerk with a heart of gold (Hajime), the Genki Girl (Nico),


And No… Not this Nico!!

The arrogant, blue haired top student (Tsuguhito), the quiet meganekko (Honoka). But with the development of the series, we know more about the past of all of them, as well as their motivations, so you will definitely start taking interest on them. And also you start liking them a lot, especially Nico.

Of course we got Noriko too. Personally this is one of my favourite characters, because she is so mysterious, but the story and plot take time to focus on her development, and during almost the end of the series, there is a big twist from Noriko that definitely will change your perception of the character, for good or bad.

Also… I can’t stop comparing her with Esdeath.

There!! Hail to the Ice Queens.

Nevertheless, the only character that I really despised was Yoshiharu. Basically, he is a masochist, but I didn’t really found anything else. The other characters are fascinating, but Yoshiharu is just irritating.

Why? You ask… Let me put this like this…

images darkness




To sum up, Kiznaiver has a lot of cool elements, even though it might not be the most well-known of the projects released by Studio Trigger. Definitely with such a great stuff and talented people behind, it definitely earns the title of A MUST-SEE.

So thanks guys. This is the first one of my many reviews of the works from Studio Trigger. Tomorrow I will come up with another one. And because I love you all, I will give you a hint of my next Trigger Review.

But first, I must consult with a certain darling… Oops.