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STUDIO:  A-1 Pictures


Hello my friends. Welcome to another entry of my blog. It’s been a long trip, but I am finally back from my holidays from my hometown, and I have share some of the pictures that I took from my travels.

Here are the links for the photos.

But now it’s time to get back to the real world, the responsibilities, the job life and the normal life.

I want to ask my review with a weird question: What would “happen” if the franchises of Harry Potter and One-Punch Man “mated” and have a baby? Definitely, the question will be:

 Perhaps some of you felt like that as well, but that’s the impression I got from Mashle: Magic and Muscles. Anyway, I am watching this anime and boy… It is hysterical!! I am enjoying it a lot. So join me and let me share with you my thoughts about this story.

And always:

Are you my friends ok? Feeling healthy?

If the answer is yes, then I am happy. Now, let’s pump it with Mashle.


Mashle: Magic and Muscles (マッシュル-MASHLE-) is based on the manga written and illustrated by Hajime Komoto. The story takes place in a world where magic is the pinnacle of society, depending on the level of magic you get, you will be incredibly successful or extremely ostracized. That can happen for Mash Burnedead, who was born without any magic whatsoever, which is why Mash was raised in secrecy by his adoptive father, Regro. Despite this, Mash has a ridiculous strength that allows him to perform very unlikely acts.

Mash longs for a peaceful life for his family, and that is why he enrols in the Easton Magic Academy and attempts to become a Divine Visionary, a special status granted to the best students. Mash is aware of his lack of magic, but he will use his amazing muscles to be as powerful as magic itself.

Hajime Komoto started publishing of Mashle on January, 2020, and finished on July, 2023, for a total of 17 volumes, under the label of Shueisha. In fact, according to the Japanese Wikipedia, Hajime Komoto was inspired in One-Punch Man to create Mashle. Finally, A-1 Pictures adapted the first season of Mashle and broadcasted it from April to June of this year.

And yes. Recently, Mashle received a second season, set to premiere in January 2024.

Finally, the opening song is “Knock Out”, performed by Taiiku Okazaki, which it is a really wonderful song, while “Shu Cream Funk” by Philosophy of Dance. I want to share the links of both songs.


Like I said before… Mashle is hysterical. No wonder why it has been considered one of the best anime of the first half of 2023.

Every time I watched the episodes of Mashle, I was laughing out loud. On the first months, I heard a lot of this new product, and in Internet I saw many images of the characters and some random videos about it, even before I knew that the name of Mashle. Shortly afterwards, I decided to finally watch it, always with another name in my mind – One-Punch Man.

And when I watched it… I understand why Mashle is so popular.

The humour is pretty original, the jokes really work, and I will say that each joke is better than the last one. And from the start, you know that Mashle does not need to be taken seriously, at least yet. Another good point is that Mashle makes you feel something unique, a very good feeling that makes you forget your problems and enjoy a good time, and for me, that is because of the rhythm, so energetic and so creative. Mash might be very dense, but as a character, he surprises you with the hilarious tricks that gives a good laugh.

In fact, it is the same feeling from Kaguya-sama: Love is War.

Hum… Another popular anime of A-1 Pictures with creative comedy. Any pattern?

Speaking of A-1 Pictures, the animation is really good, getting the art of Hajime Komoto. Personally I am surprised about the animation, after watching Sword Art Online and Lycoris Recoil, I feel that the art and direction used in Mashle is something that you will use from MAPPA, Wit Studio or Madhouse, but not from A-1 Pictures, because I never imagined this studio using these rough colours and thick lines. This is only my opinion, but from what I saw from Sword Art Online, Lycoris Recoil and 86: Eighty-Six, A-1 Pictures, for me, is a studio expertise in subtle colours, proportional character design, and epic, but standard, animation, which is fantastic as well. Less of shounen and more of light novel artwork

What I am trying to say is that I feel that A-1 Pictures went again out of their comfort zone and gives us a very unique animation in Mashle. The second time this year. The first one being…

And basically, the story of Mashle is Mash being badass in the most hilarious ways possible. And despite Mashle is clearly influenced from One-Punch Man, it is pretty original. It does not feel like a rip-off of the latter.  The world-building is decent as well, and because of these elements, Mashle feels authentic and more enjoyable for the fans, and the soundtrack is badass and hilarious at the same time, the mixture between rap and fantasy gives its own aura to a really good story.

All of these makes the story and rhythm of Mashle pretty enjoyable.


Aside from Mash, we got a lot of colourful characters in Mashle, such as Finn Ames, who is the straight man of the group, Lance Crown, who wants to become a Divine Visionary for the sake of his sister, Dot Barrett, who is voiced by Takuya Eguchi. Do you know which other characters dubs Eguchi?

Loid Forger, from Spy X Family.

Oh! And… Domas, from Ranking of Kings.

And Dot creates explosions, in the fashion of both Katsuki Bakugo and Megumin.

And Lemon Irvine, the self-proclaimed fiancée of Mash. All have their own personalities, being as hilarious as Mash. I personally do not think if I can get a favourite, but I have enjoyed a lot Lemon. Especially in the second episode, where she believes that Mash confesses to her. That moment is hilarious, and adorable at the same time.

I also found Dot very hilarious. Every time he tries to provoke Mash with little success, and the chemistry between is hysterical.

There are other great characters, but I prefer to invite you to watch Mashle to know them better for yourself.


No wonder Mashle is considered one of best anime of 2023 so far. It has everything to look in a comedy series – good jokes, hilarious characters, solid background, and a good feeling. I am looking forward for the second season, can’t wait until January arrives.

Perhaps… I can use magic. I will try so I can forward time.

Wingardium Leviosa!!!

I know it’s not the right spell!!! Don’t mention it.

Damn it!!! My spell went wrong.

I went to Hell!!

And also… I was punished keep lusting for Mona Megistus and her… attributes. This pic exemplifies my attitude regarding Mona.

Anyway. When I escape Hell, I will come back with another entry. Have a great day my friends.