JAINITUOS ANIME REVIEWS – Little Witch Academia – Studio Trigger analysis

Little Witch Academia

Studio: Trigger

Genre: Fantasy, Coming-of-age

Hey guys.

Welcome to another Studio Trigger review.

Like I promised on my previous review of Ninja Slayer; I am going to do this wonderful series, which I think it is one of the best works of this talented studio. Especially because, from my perspective, this series has managed to become as popular as Kill la Kill.

With that said, let me introduce you…


But before I continue with this review, I must ask you the typical questions:

Are you guys ok? Feeling happy and healthy?

If the answer is yes, then I am very happy, especially because I want to leave the same message:

Please, do not underestimate the COVID-19

Remember, dangerous virus, unpredictable consequences.

And now, I bring you Little Witch Academia.



Little Witch Academia is, like I said, one of the most notorious franchises created by Trigger, along with Kill la Kill, and SSSS Gridman, and from now on, I will use the acronym LWA when required. Anyway. LWA tells the story of Atsuko Kagari, a.k.a. Akko, a young Japanese girl who just enrolled in the Luna Nova Academy, a school of witches with students from all over the world, in a time where magic is almost forgotten. From her early years, Akko has been a fan of magic, because she saw a beautiful, wonderful show from the most famous witch of all time…


CHARIOT DU NORD (Shiny Chariot)

And that is why Akko wants to become a witch. Once there, she befriends two students, Lotte Jansson, a kind, soft-spoken witch from Finland who specialises in forest magic and summoning fairies, and Sucy Manbavaran, a witch from Philippines, who has a bizarre interest in mushrooms, and great talent in creating poisons.

There is one problem for Akko though. Two in fact, the first one is that Akko, unlike Lotte and Sucy, has no natural talent for witchcraft, and she is a natural troublemaker, which leads her to be involved in many insane, yet wonderful situations that will open her path to be the powerful, kind witch she is meant to be.

The second problem is that she has a rival. Diana Cavendish, one of the most talented Luna Nova students, is there for making things harder for Akko. Of course, we have other wonderful characters, but I will talk about those later.

There is a funny story though. The first time I heard about Little Witch Academia, around mid-2017, I thought it was an spin-off of My Hero Academia. Honestly, I don’t know why. Perhaps because both series included the word Academia, but obviously, the animation, the themes, and the universe have a lot of differences one from another. Luckily for me, when I start watching LWA, I not only understand that it was not unrelated to MHA, I also saw how wonderful this series is.

Speaking of Trigger, LWA is directed by Yoh Yoshinari, famous for being involved in Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill, and is also the main director of BNA: Brand New Animal; and it was first released as an animated short film in 2013, and another Kickstarter-funded sequel, called The Enchanted Parade, until it was released as an 25 episode series in 2017, leading to a videogame, called Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time. 

And of course… how could I forget the superb, incredible soundtrack from Michiru Oshima? Just take a look to the theme of Shiny Chariot. It perfectly catches your ear, as well as how colourful this series is.

Indeed, Little Witch Academia became big. And hopefully I can explain the reason throughout the rest of the review.



For the record, I will only focus on the TV series for the review, with some sporadic mentions of The Enchanted Parade, because the former is the one that has the best elements.

At plain sight, Little Witch Academia looks like a typical story of a girl going to school, causing mess instead of trying to get good grades, and fighting a lot of evil monsters brought to life with magic, until the others graduate while our main character becomes better and better. You know, what you will expect from a school anime. However, after seeing the episodes, you understand that, perhaps, Little Witch Academia is more.

But before I got into this, I must clarify that the first half of the series focuses in developing the characters and the world of LWA through the adorable messes (Man! I bet you never thought in combining those two words) of Akko and friends, and the second half has a more visible story, with a defined antagonist and stakes. Personally, I like both parts equally. Of course!! Fans would prefer the second part of Little Witch Academia, for it has a story easier to follow, and better developed characters, and I understand that, especially because all of that brings one of the most epic, spectacular climaxes ever done by Studio Trigger, along with Kill la Kill and SSSS Gridman. 

But for me…

The first part of Little Witch Academia is very special, because we get to know how the magic works, how to do simple things as riding your broom, and the vision many characters have for the World; in fact, there is an episode where Akko must save Sucy from a spell, and the only option is to get into Sucy’s mind, bringing some of the best characters moments. Furthermore, in another episode, there is this aristocratic, called Andrew Hanbridge, who has no interest in magic, but after meeting Akko, he gets «enchanted» by what he experienced. However, there is more, because the father of Andrew has some dark intentions regarding Luna Nova, giving us a subtle social commentary about corporate monopolies.

Finally, one of the funniest episodes is where some staff of Luna Nova goes on strike.


This episode has a lot of comedy, but deep down, is a reminder of the hard work put by the people who perform what many call «menial jobs», and to be a bit more grateful.

As you can see, many episodes of Little Witch Academia can look like typical anime adventures, but they also have very important messages about friendship, loyalty, hope, perseverance. In that regard, it has the same strength of other great Trigger series, like Kill la Kill, Kiznaiver and Darling in the FRANXX. Along with a pretty solid character development, we witness a world building equally solid, and with the animation, it brings some sense of identity and uniqueness that many Western cartoons would like to obtain.

Despite this, the episode never lose its light tone. The main purpose is to have a lot of fun, and trying to reflex about these elements in life that we don’t think are important, but from a better perspective, they become special for us. Furthermore, when Little Witch Academia needs to be serious, it is serious, and it takes the necessary time to explore how some of their characters feel.

«When you are sad, accept that you are sad» 1_iphone

Overall, this is what makes all the episodes of Little Witch Academia. Perhaps the first half is not as structured as the second half, but it definitely has its wonderful moments, moments that are definitely worth the watch.



People say that a hero is as only as good as his enemies. And in the case of Little Witch Academia, I would say that the story is as compelling as its characters. Aside from Akko, Lotte, Diana and Sucy, we got…

(Clockwise, Jasminka, Amanda and Constanze)

Amanda, a feisty witch from America, Constanze, a young German girl who likes technology, and communicates through her robots, literally, and Jasminka, a Russian student that loves to eat. And all of them always join, or are simply dragged, into the crazy adventures of Akko; all have incredible personalities, and are as powerful as their comrades.

You end up liking these characters, because of both their identities and the animation. Who do I explain this? Just look at Jasminka.

All the time, she has this smiley face, with a different food with her. It is very simple, but, somehow, it is funny and charming at the same time, you cannot avoid getting hooked by her. It is hard to explain. However, I assume that it is how the character, and the animation manage to bring her a balance that is beautiful and hysterical.

Still not convinced? Check this GIF.


Where does she get this much potato chips?

Furthermore, we got the best friends of Diana, Hannah England and Barbara Parker


Now, I will stop from a minute, and try to talk about Diana, Barbara and Hannah, because much like some elements of the plot of the series, they also got a deeper meaning that what meets the eye.

Diana, unlike Akko, is a better student and a more successful witch, and she is extremely refined, knowledgeable and perfect. Diana is the perfect foil of Akko, always trashing our protagonist in a very subtle manner,Hannah and Barbara are at her side. In other words, when you see Hannah and Barbara together with Diana, you might think of them as the typical henchmen of the bully.

That is correct. But there is something else. Unlike many henchmen, Diana cares about Barbara and Hannah. They are close, best friends. Many bullies in fiction see their gangs as disposable; with Diana, that is not the case; in her way, she also supports Hannah and Barbara when needed, and in the end, both are useful in the last episodes too.

Speaking of Diana, that bad treatment she gives Akko has a point, and I mention this because Akko can be excruciating. Akko gets annoying too easily because of her shenanigans, so Diana has all the right to berate Akko; surprisingly, the audience gives the reason to Diana. Furthermore, Diana is one of the most developed character in Little Witch Academia. She starts as the typical wealthy rival, just like Seto Kaiba, but then we come to know the reasons of her attitude.

Of course, I will not go into spoilers, but I was witness of how her background makes her unique from other rivals or bullies.

Now, before I finish, I must say that as excitable and passionate as Akko is, she can be incredibly annoying and unlikeable sometimes. This is one of the main criticisms to Little Witch Academia, and it is true. But LWA: The Enchanted Parade reflects that. It is one of the many moments in which Akko can be repelling.

Yet, she is still a well defined character, and some are her friends.



To sum up, Little Witch Academia reminds me why I like Studio Trigger so much. It is a great series with fantastic animation, wonderful characters and a charming setting in general.

It is one of this greatest series and for good, freaking reasons. It is a story of magic, with everything that inspires us to continue fighting and try to be who we are, and another great example of the amazing talent of Studio Trigger in general.

I know I said a lot of things. But it is that Little Witch Academia is so special for me, I got to let my thoughts go. And I will do it again.

Guys. Thanks again for stepping to my Little Witch Academia review. And I got done with Earth… let’s go to space.


JAINITUOS ANIME REVIEWS – Kiznaiver – My own Impressions


Studio Trigger

Genre: Action, Science Fiction

Hey guys.

Welcome to another anime review.

And today, I am going to talk about some interesting project that I saw years ago, but I really wanted to review it, especially since soon we are going to see the new project from Studio Trigger.

images bna- brand new animal


OH YES… I am announcing that I am going to do reviews from all of the Studio Trigger works.

Now… with that said, I bring you…


But before I continue, I must ask the typical question.

Are you guys ok? Washing your hands? Maintaining Social Distancing?

If the answer is yes, then I am happy, especially because of these difficult times from the coronavirus. We must have faith and rest assured that we will overcome this trauma together, just follow the instructions from the doctors and WHO (World Health Organization; but mostly importantly…


Having said that, lets continue.



Released in 2016, and based on the manga written by Roji Karegishi, Kiznaiver takes place on the futuristic city of Sugomori City, where technology has apparently reached its peak; however, one of the most «interesting» inventions of Sugomori is the Kizna System, a special connection that allows people to understand themselves by sharing their own suffering, both physical and mental.

And now, it is the turn of high schooler, Katsuhira Agata, and some of his classmates, to be part of this Kizna System, all under the leadership of a beautiful, yet mysterious girl, called Noriko Sonozaki.

The anime of Kiznaiver is written by the renowned Mari Okada, and the music is composed by Yuki Hayashi. Do you which other anime he composed for?


That’s right. My Hero Academia

Anyway. Kiznaiver consists of 12 episodes, directed by Hiroshi Kobayashi, who also worked as director in many episodes of Kill la Kill.

Now… how is the…



Well. Before I continue, I must start reviewing the story with the element that, just like with any Studio Trigger work, becomes a very significant trademark of Kiznaiver. And that is… the animation.

Most likely, many fans from Studio Trigger will expect a very vivid, crazy, and expressive animation, of the same caliber of Kill la Kill, Little Witch Academia, or Space Patrol Luluco. However, when you see half of Kiznaiver, you understand that is more similar from animes like Darling in the Franxx and SSSS Gridman. I comprehend of why for many people that detail will be a bit disappointing, and at the beginning, I was sad too, especially because I thought that the story was kind of slow.

But… Don’t worry, because at the second half of Kiznaiver, you meet with some pretty decent character development, from all of them, and some of revelations of why the Kizna System is the way it is. That alone is what gives to both their characters and story their own identity, especially in comparison to other Studio Trigger works.

Well… What else can you expect from the sensitivity of Mari Okada? Also, check Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms, and you will become a fan of hers. In fact, there is something I must share with you, the word «Kiznaiver» is derived from «wound/scar» (kizu), and «bond/connection» (kizuna). You see? There is a deeper meaning from the terminology of the story. (Thanks Wikipedia.) And, to be honest… This is one of the things that I end up enjoying from Kiznaiver, a mixture between art and storytelling that encourages to think to reflex about life.

But if you are expecting some like Kill la Kill, Space Patrol Luluco or Little Witch Academia in terms of animation. you might get disappointed.

On the other hand, the music is really wonderful. Yuki Hayashi does a really good job with the soundtrack; moreover, the opening song, Lay your hands on me, is performed by BOOM BOOM SATELLITES, which has a beautiful mix of techno and pop that makes it sounique. And the ending is Hajimari no Sokudo (はじまりの速度) by Sangatsu no Phantasia. Another beautiful song. (Again… Thanks Wikipedia).

Overall, I must commend Studio Trigger for taking a new kind of story for Kiznaiver.



And just like with the story, the characters from Kiznaiver are capable to inspire some curiosity. At first sight, it seems that the cast is just a bunch of stock characters from anime, like the aloof white-haired pretty boy (Katushira), the tsunderish childhood friend (Chidori), the brute, jerk with a heart of gold (Hajime), the Genki Girl (Nico),


And No… Not this Nico!!

The arrogant, blue haired top student (Tsuguhito), the quiet meganekko (Honoka). But with the development of the series, we know more about the past of all of them, as well as their motivations, so you will definitely start taking interest on them. And also you start liking them a lot, especially Nico.

Of course we got Noriko too. Personally this is one of my favourite characters, because she is so mysterious, but the story and plot take time to focus on her development, and during almost the end of the series, there is a big twist from Noriko that definitely will change your perception of the character, for good or bad.

Also… I can’t stop comparing her with Esdeath.

There!! Hail to the Ice Queens.

Nevertheless, the only character that I really despised was Yoshiharu. Basically, he is a masochist, but I didn’t really found anything else. The other characters are fascinating, but Yoshiharu is just irritating.

Why? You ask… Let me put this like this…

images darkness




To sum up, Kiznaiver has a lot of cool elements, even though it might not be the most well-known of the projects released by Studio Trigger. Definitely with such a great stuff and talented people behind, it definitely earns the title of A MUST-SEE.

So thanks guys. This is the first one of my many reviews of the works from Studio Trigger. Tomorrow I will come up with another one. And because I love you all, I will give you a hint of my next Trigger Review.

But first, I must consult with a certain darling… Oops.