Peach Boy Riverside

Author: Coolkyousinnjya

Publisher: Kodansha

Hello my friends.

Today I am doing something a bit different.

As many of you remember, I left this pic as a hint for my next blog entry.

Thats is because recently I watched the two trailers for this manga that will receive an anime adaptation in July 2021, from Studio Asahi, called…

At the beginning I found the anime very interesting; as a very «Westernized» person that I am, I thought it was about some kind of city were very abnormal stuff happens, pretty much like Stranger Things or Supernatural, but in anime. Then all the first trailer made me realise that is not the case, which is why I decided to read the manga, and…

I really like it. In fact, I really felt identified with our protagonist. But I will get there later; for now I will say that I feel this urge to express my feelings about this story, before anything else, because it is a really cool one.

Just remember:

Are you guys ok? Feeling healthy?

If the answer is yes, then I am happy. Now, let’s go with Peach Boy Riverside, and I will include images of both the manga and the anime for that matter.


Peach Boy Riverside tells the story of Princess Saltorine Aldike. or Sari, a positive and spontaneous girl who is tired of her life inside the castle, with all the riches and luxuries provided, but without any real possibility to see the world, so it is her dream to go out and have her own journeys. When her castle is attacked by the horned enemies of humanity, the onis, Sari meets a mysterious young man, called Kibisu Mikoto, who kills all the onis through a mysterious power, called «Peach Eye», which brings the wielder of some… pleasure (Not talking about that pleasure). After witnessing that strength, and being scared at the same time, Sari goes with Mikoto to see the world; starting a travel full of dangers and great battles with the oni.

Accompanying Sari and Mikoto, there is a demi-human, called Frau (they are really popular these days), and a former oni, called Carrot.

The author of Peach Boy Riverside is Coolkyousinnjya, and I will get to there later. And, since 2015, it has comprised eight volumes, all of them published by Kodansha; interestingly enough, Peach Boy Riverside has been also published as a web manga since 2008, on Weekly Young VIP (Thanks again, Wikipedia).

Unfortunately, we have to wait until July to see the anime adaptation of this story. But I want to stop and saying some trivia. The story of Peach Boy Riverside is based on the mythological story of Momotaro, the child born from a peach, and that later fights a gang of onis.

How could you not turn this awesome story into manga?

In fact – Momotaro is a mixture of two words – Momo, which means Peach, and Taro, which means Eldest Boy.


First and foremost, I have to mention once more that the writer of Peach Boy Riverside is Coolkyonsinnjya.

Do you know what other stories this manga group did?

Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid and I Can’t understand what My Husband is Saying.

And then I thought… WHATT?? REALLY??? On that time, I was unwilling to accept that, based on the previous work of this group, because both of these stories are comedy, while Peach Boy Riverside looks to be a mix of adventure and dark fantasy. Then I saw at Myanimelist that, unlike these two series, where Coolkyonsinnjya was both behind the story and the art, Peach Boy Riverside have another artist, Johanne

No. Not that one!

But I am not familiar with that artist’s world.

Anyway, my first impression, I saw that Peach Boy Riverside would be a typical story about a characters who wants to see the world and become a better person, in other words, the story of the calling of the hero, in which this hero will eventually become a man, or a woman, both mentally and psychologically. And personally, these stories are one of my favourite, especially if you combine with a mythology of its own.

But it was at this point, after reading the whole first volume, in which some mixed feelings appear on me, because I felt that the story was getting a bit slow; but then again, the second volume made feel invested, despite not finishing it; more and more, the characters are improving, and the story is still pretty cool.

Yet, there was something inside… something that was making me feel that Peach Boy Riverside is not as cool as many other manga that I read before, like Deadman Wonderland; I think the reason is… its pacing. I am well aware that is very different reading manga than watching anime, but I feel that some elements in the story can go a bit faster. I do not know; perhaps I think that because I still need to start reading the rest of the volumes, and by then, the story will become more solid; but this is my impression.

On the other hand, though, I see that the battles are really awesome, a bit violent, yet pretty straight-forward, and for me, this is one of the most fundamental elements that a manga must have when it is about the battles – good rhythm. And, until this point…

Sorry about the resolution

Mikoto is definitely the start. I mean… Look at his eyes. Look at his smile. You will immediately notice that Mikoto is badass and frightening at the same time. But, the more you read the manga, the more you wanna know about him, and the same goes for the story.

You might need to be a bit patient to fully embrace the backstory of Peach Boy Riverside, but if you are a truly fan of shounen manga, I will say that Peach Boy Riverside is definitely the story for you, because the art rally transmits the rhythm of these nice battles.


Up to this point, I think the two characters that are really shining are Sari and Mikoto. Of course!! They are our main characters; the first volume does a pretty good job telling us the readers who they are, what they want and what kind of powers they have. I must admit that, when both use the «Peach Eye» power, I found them a bit scary, because that sadistic look was very daunting, like both of them became as malicious as the main antagonists. Not like my sweet Maika.

And then, we got Frau and Carrot. This last one is kind. ofa favourite of mine, because it might start as an antagonist, but then, I found more of a tsundere with. ab it of cuteness, not know if you would agree with me.

But look…

Like I said, no intention to spoil about any characters, but check them out, especially Sari and Mikoto. They are worth it.


I really liked the story of Peach Boy Riverside. And because of it, I appreciate more the work of Coolkyousinnjya; now I can see how versatile these group has become. And before the anime is released, I recommend you to read the manga.

Like I said… it is worth it. Hopefully they will make a good anime adaptation.

Well… it is almost ten o’clock. I am hungry, let’s have dinner. How about a fried egg?


Oh… right!!

JAINITUOS ANIME REVIEWS – Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid – My Own impressions

Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid

Genre: Comedy, fantasy, yuri

Studio: Kyoto Animation

Hello guys.

Welcome again.

Alright then. I started with very pretty serious material to talk about today, including Akame ga Kill and Made in Abyss, but now, in order to culminate this day, I will focus in one of the happiest and funniest animes I have seen even.

And one that will probably cheer you up on these days of quarantine.

Now… This is anime is…

But before I continue writing the review, I must ask you guys the typical question, even though I already ask you in my previous two reviews.

Are you guys ok? Feeling healthy and happy?

If the answer is yes, then I am very happy. And remember…


I said it once, and I will say it again. COVID-19 is a dangerous virus with unpredictable consequences.

Now, having said that, let’s start talking about Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid.


Dragons are cute!

Based on the manga written and illustrated by Coolkyousinnjya, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid (Kobayashi-san Chi no Meidoragon), tells the story of Kobayashi-san, a computer programmer and office person who lives a very simple life, until one morning, she is greeted by a huge dragon who suddenly transforms in a maid, called Tohru, and moves with Kobayashi-san to be her «maid». Then Kobayashi-san remembers that, the night before, Kobayashi-san was terribly wasted, and she meet Tohru, to remove a huge sword from her, saving the life of Tohru.

In gratitude, Tohru not only works with Kobayashi-san, but she actually fells in love with her. And then Tohru learns to be a maid, while also learning wonderful things about the modern world and making sweet special friends.

In terms of format, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, (Or Kobayashi-san for the rest of the review) consists in thirteen episodes, released between January and April 2017, and an OVA released in September 2017. And each episode involves the characters facing a lot of situations, including having parties, meeting rival dragons, the environment of the Comiket, moving out, attending school, and going to the beach; and of course, the main focus is the relationship between Tohru and Kobayashi-san.

And sometimes our characters deal with themes like prejudice and acceptance. Additionally, the opening theme «Blue Sky Rhapsody» («Aozora no Rhapsody») is performed by Japanese idol band, Fhána, while the ending, Ishukan Communication, is performed by the seiyuu of the characters, Tohru, Kanna, Lucoa and Elma.

Supposedly a second season was greenlit, but after the tragic death of director Yasuhiro Takemoto in the arson attack of KyoAni, the status of the series is in doubt.


Maids are cute

As I previously said, Kobayashi-san is a comedy series about dragons adopting identities and living among humans. And of course, the relationship between Tohru and Kobayashi-san. In other words, we meet a typical sitcom anime in which the characters evolve, and even though there is not precisely a plot for the series as a whole, each of the episodes are pretty delightful to watch.

Secondly, one of the strengths is that not all the characters are introduced straight away. First we got our main leads, and then Kobayashi-san gives its time to get to the supporting cast, including which kind of personalities do they have, and the type of relationship they got and their dynamics. After their respective introductions, we got our comedic episodes.

To be honest, reviewing this type of episodic anime is very difficult, because I have to analyse many little elements in many different stories, and since there is no defined plot, it is very hard to talk about the characters and the format in a few words, while making sense of myself. On the other hand, this is one of good points of Kobayashi-san. Our main characters can be themselves, they can enjoy the situations, and that alone gives some sense of consistency with what we see in the first episodes, and when there is a conflict, especially in further episodes, he see their evolution and their loyalty toward each other.

Of course, there is the comedy, And what drives it is how Tohru and the other fantastic beasts (No Pun intended) will react in the real world, and realised how ineffectual are their powers and customs really are. Now, I am not a master of comedy, but one of the best tips for comedy it is to make the characters to do wacky things that we, as an audience, know that will lead to disaster, but that, from their perspective of the protagonists, it is the right thing to do.

Another positive detail is that the series is not trying to force the comedy in the audience. The plot is organic, and it gets a better impact to us.

Now. this is another reason of why I had a hard time trying to review episodic anime, for what I have to say about an episode does not necessarily work for the other, and I can contradict myself.

Also, the animation of Kobayashi-san, directed by the late Yasuhiro Takemoto, is really solid, and matches perfectly the art of Coolkyousinnjya, who specialises, from my perspective, in very light character design and bright colours in order to create a friendly tone, perfect for comedic situations.

In fact, her other work, I Can’t Understand What My Husband Is Saying also has an anime from Studio Seven.

This character looks like Kobayashi-san, but is not.

To put it simple, each episode has its charm and fun, and it is reasonable to say that we can have a lot of fun from these episodes, so many small stories to choose from.

And before I forget, the soundtrack composed by Masumi Ito is pure ear candy, and it matches with the colourful animation too.


Of course, we have a lot of delightful character; Kanna Kamui, the young dragon that likes to play and go to school; Elma, a water dragon who is «proclaimed» the rival of Tohru (or perhaps, she is suffering from what I called «The Yunyun Syndrome»); Fafnir, the greedy dragon who likes to cosplay as a young butler ala Sebastian Michaelis; Lucoa, the busty, well-endowed incarnation of Quetzalcoatl…

Luckily, Lucoa is not this scary as her FGO counterpart

And Riko Saikawa, who has a «particular» interest in Kanna; Georgie, the older sister of Riko; Makoto Takiya; Kobayashi-san’s co-worker; Shouta, a young wizard who «summons» Lucoa, among other great supporting characters that creates an amazing atmosphere, of one of the best works of Kyoto Animation.

And like the episodes and sketches, you can always choose your favourite character.

But before I forget, there is one last detail I want to share with you guys. Kobayashi-san’s seiyuu is Mutsumi Tamura. Do you which other character was dub by her?

Sayaka Kanamori, from Eizouken!


In conclusion, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid is a very delightful series about a young computer programmer and her dragon, and despite its plot sounds insane, it is actually a series where you can have a lot of fun, especially in these lockdown times.

Part of the amazing talent and passion form Kyoto Animation.

So… what are you waiting for? Go to Crunchyroll and watch Kobayashi-san, or else…

Quetzalcoatl will f(*k you in the a*%^.

I am not joking!!