Skeleton Knight in Another World

Genre: Isekai, Fantasy, Adventure

Studio: Hornet/Studio Kai

Hello my friends. Welcome to another entry of my blog.

After such a very busy week, and after 10 years making bagels, I decided to make a little difference in my routine, and watch some isekai that I was looking forward for weeks, and I got to say that… it left me divided in many ways. And I will try to be as concise as possible in my opinion.

Having said that, behold…

And again, before I continue, I must ask you my friends the typical question:

Are you guys ok? Feeling healthy?

If the answer is yes, then I am happy.

Now, let’s move the bones and write about this anime.


Based on the light novels written by Ennki Hakari, illustrated by Akira Sawano, and published by Overlap Bunko (Seven Seas Entertainment in English), Skeleton Kinght in Another World (Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekake-chū or 骸骨騎士様、只今異世界へお出掛け中), tells the story of a young player who was testing an unnamed fantasy game who suddenly awakens living on this new world with the character he created, a combination between knight and paladin, which grants him superhuman strength and great magic. In this game, his name is Arc Lalatoya.

But he soon finds a big problem.

He is a skeleton, and that is because the player chose that avatar while creating his character. After saving a couple of women from bandits as a part of joining a guild and get jobs, Arc decides to test his ability while concealing his identity for fear of the consequences and not to scare the people.

From there, he goes on this new world in order to find adventures and find the cause of the «curse» that this knight has.

In other words, Skeleton Knight is like Overlord, but with less evil and Albedo.

It will be funny if Arc and Ainz Ooal Gown meet each other.

Skeleton Knight in Another World is available at Crunchyroll.

As of June 12, the series has released ten episodes, possibly for a total of 12. And despite founded in 2019, Studio Kai has already released many popular anime, including Uma Musume and Super Cub, which proves that the studio is experienced enough.

Finally, Skeleton Knight counts with talented cast, including Fairouz Ai and Tomoaki Maeno.


Ok. Now here is the hard part. Where to start?

Let me put one of the very moments of the first episode.

Some bandits ambushed a carriage, with a girl from nobility, Lauren Luvierte, her maid, Rita, and a battalion of guards. The latter are killed, while the two girls are about to be… leg-opened (You know what I am talking about), and just when the leader of the gangs is about to commit the heinous act, a big knight with a white armour cuts the bandits in half with no problem, saving the girls and escort them back to safety.

I was shocked. Some introduction like that was expected in anime like Goblin Slayer! and Redo of Healer, or any fantasy hentai. And I was very excited to see what to do next, because you could that Skeleton Knight will be darker, or at least go over the top in regards of violence and action. And I was right, in the next episodes will be watching scenes regarding slavery and exploitation.

So yeah. In that essence, I praised Skeleton Knight for taking some serious themes, like the previously mentioned anime, and I almost forget The Rising of the Shield Hero.

Also, the animation looks really clean. In scenes with day and night, Skeleton Knight follows the trend of many isekai, trying to have polished animation and artwork that is loyal to the atmosphere of this new world.

But then, there is the element that disappointed me a bit – the narrative.

Why is that? Because it does the same thing as many isekai do. They present the main character, he or she gives a speech of what was he/she doing before, with very little memories of what happened, then the MC slowly tests the abilities granted, a victory is earned, along with a very generous reward, the MC realises that he/she is overpowered and then get excited about what the future beholds. With the next episodes slowly introducing the rest of the protagonists and the supporting cast.

Per se this type of narrative is not bad, but the problem is that it quickly becomes a cliché on the isekai, a very formulaic narrative in which there is a risk that the author does not put any effort on being inventive and slowly neglects world-building and character development.

Even So I am A Spider, so What? is more original in the storytelling showing two perspectives, the one of the main protagonist, and the other of the human characters.

This is only my opinion. I hope that other fans agree with me. Perhaps I am talking non-sense, but I wanted to point that out.

For the rest, the action scenes are really entertaining, especially the ones fro the first three episodes, and if those who are demanding with the story can overlook that element, it can become a very fantastic experiment.

On the other hand, I don’t think Skeleton Knight wants to be an innovative story or ground-breaking, it is a simple story of isekai with the typical characters of that genre, and the overpowered MC.

But, if you just want to have fun with another isekai, you can check Skeleton Knight in Another World for sure.


Nonetheless, just as the story is not as innovative as I thought, the characters are the true strength of Skeleton Knight.

Arc Lalatoya can be hilarious and badass at the same time, but you can tell he is a really likeable protagonist that you want to root for. And then we got Ariane Glenys Maple, a dark elf that quickly befriends Arc, and that we can consider…

…A new member of the many elves that are goddesses with her abilities.

Ponta is the mascot of the heroes of Skeleton Knight, and… We can Chiyome, our beast ninja.

Ponta is the cute, nice version of the nine tales from Naruto, and regarding Chiyome… Remember Commandment One of the Isekai.

«Thou Shalt include a half-woman, half beast warrior unto thee Isekai».

But seriously, all the chemistry and the design of these characters is wonderful, and it is definitely one of the best strengths of Skeleton Knight in Another World, along with the themes of slavery and violence.

My respects toward Ennki Hakiri and Akira Sawano for the characters.


Skeleton Knight in Another World is a story with good and bad points, but the latter can only be depending on your viewpoint about the episodes you watch. But it is definitely a welcome addition in your isekai list.

And once again, don’t get too influenced on my entry. Get this story an opportunity, and you will have a good time.

Because if not… What if this skeleton comes to get you?

And now… I must go back to create ideas for my isekai.

SEE You soon!!!