Hello everybody. How are they? I hope everyone is doing quite well.

This time, I want to do something different. I want to clarify a lot of things that have happened to me these days.

The truth is that … at first I was not sure if I really wanted to write this particular post , because it does not seem to me that I should not bother anyone with my problems, especially since we all have our issues to face, but on the other hand, to Throughout these months, I have gathered quite a large audience, much more than I would have imagined; indeed, even I am surprised; And the truth is, I feel like I owe my dear readers an explanation as to why my blog post writing rate has dropped considerably.

First of all, I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart , to all those who read me daily, both those who follow me and those who do not, especially Irina, from whom I have been able to take advantage of the writings of his blog and I find them fantastic, the same to Sebastián, who has followed me quite faithfully. Thank you very much , Sebastian for your loyalty.

Having said that, I will do it all as follows; I will first explain why I have not written as many blog posts as I usually do; Then I will mention the other things that I have been doing since May, to calm my mood a bit; and finally I will say what I plan to do. After all, this blog has been one of the things that I have liked doing the most in the last three years, and as I said before, it was all thanks to my dear readers; because, all over the world, you have made me understand that all this that I am doing… is really worth it.

Now … Here I go.


First of all, I want to clarify that I am a very spontaneous person in living from day to day; I always hope to go with the flow, and not worry about the next step I hope to take.

That’s one side of me.

And the other … is that I am usually an incredibly careful person when planning things, both at work and in my future plans. In other words, I like to enjoy life, but I take things seriously when the occasion demands it.

And writing my blog posts is no exception. Even though I really enjoy it, because it is one of the things that most connects me with one of my favorite arts… anime. Therefore, I always plan things in advance, to do everything and feel that I am disciplined, doing things well.

It is also a matter of maturity, at least from my point of view. And that has always left me with great stability.

But throughout May and June … that stability has collapsed, due to many factors that I will explain later. What happens is that, first … How to say it without compromising my friends and loved ones ? Let’s say that I had to deal with many more things than I expected, on a personal, professional, social, and even emotional level. I’m not going to go into much detail, but basically I have had to put aside many extracurricular activities for my many obligations, the same ones that anyone has to face in life.

And , when I finished my review of Yamada-kun and the seven witches , I was more than encouraged to return to work very hard on my blog, as well as in my work and with my friends, to have that balance that we all need in life . But throughout May and June, that balance was temporarily broken; I had to deal with many things … that in the end something that I was passionate about and made me move away from the real world was non-existent.

This, as the title says, filled me with a lot of anxiety. I could not concentrate, could not do things like plane é , and ended up frustrated, angry and unwilling to do anything. Now… I wasn’t suffering from depression, but there was a point where I didn’t care about everything. Still … I decided to continue despite how exhausted I was and my responsibilities. It was difficult, but I wanted to do it.

At that, another problem came … the pandemic. Yes. For those of you who couldn’t read the news, coronavirus cases picked up quite a bit in Victoria, and I was worried, because I thought we would have another lockdown like the one we experienced for almost four months. And, indeed, it was. We were confined for two weeks, we couldn’t get out, and my time was shortened, much shortened; I certainly was able to rest, but I hardly had the strength for anything.

Like I said, not from depression, but from exhaustion.

Even so, I wanted to try to watch anime, review works like 86: Eighty-six but I was so tired that I wanted to recover, especially in the two weeks of confinement; even so… I felt very frustrated, because that desire to rest conflicted with my workaholic nature and my habit of being active; I relaxed, but there were times when I was angry and mentally powerless.

And my anxiety got worse.

Later, when I wanted to apply to something very important, I couldn’t because the non-essential businesses were closed. It almost made me lose my mind. It was driving me crazy. And for a couple of anecdotes with my life that I am not going to mention so as not to compromise my loved ones, I was putting on something aggressive.

I even thought … what the hell do they want? Tell me what to do!

I even called Australia’s depression and anxiety service – Beyond Blue twice ; So… after the first week of June, I decided to do meditation and take time to appreciate and rejoice for the things I have accomplished in my life.

And I stayed that way to this day, even during the time span between Victoria’s cases rebounding and when they started to go down, until the lockdown ended. Despite the fact that everything seemed to return to «normal», my motivation and my attitude were not the same.

For this reason, I wanted to take my time to recover my mental and emotional state, otherwise … I would return to the same disorder that I hated during these two months. And I have done very well, I have received great support from my colleagues at work, my friends, my family, I even had great news from my brother in Los Angeles , who now… have motivated me more than ever.

And now, I’m trying to get back to normal.


In addition to my meditation activities, I have started studying Portuguese through Duolingo ; and not only Portuguese, but also Italian and French. It sounds really crazy . The truth is that I have an intermediate level of Portuguese, and I have always liked French and Italian, which, to be honest, are languages ​​as beautiful as Spanish or English. One of my best friends likes Spanish , so do I, but French fascinates me.

But then I realized that learning French is difficult; With Italian and Portuguese, I have not been at all bad, however, I have slowed down, now more focused on enjoying what I am learning.

I’m even trying to learn an aboriginal language – W iradjuri, whose community is mostly located in New South Wales ; I go little by little, but I am mastering it.

At the same time, last Monday I completed 29 blood donations; made over almost a year and a half.

And now, to finish, I tell you that I have written … my first book. It’s almost ready, s or miss it completely revise, write a couple of things, and if you can, sent him to publish the end of the year, and in 2022.

Fingers crossed. In fact, there are many projects I want to finish and publish.

Also… I revealed a poem I wrote last year about my feelings about the pandemic. You can find it on Wattpad if you are interested. It’s called LIGHTS IN THE TUNNEL, VOICES FROM YESTERDAY.


And I will conclude, saying that I have been watching many series, since I finished my review of Combatants Will be Dispatched ; I have seen the first episodes of this Netflix series , called Record of Ragnarok . With the psychotic Valkyrie, Brunhilde , and I am preparing its respective review , the same The Slime Diaries , and I am watching 86: Eighty-six , and it seemed like a fantastic series.

Nor have I forgotten the reflections that I owe from My Hero Academia , which, as many will know, is one of my favorite anime. I really want to do them, but seeing Izuku , Ochaco -chan, Tsu -chan, Bakugo , All Might, and the rest of the UA students is beautiful.

And another series… Flying Witch I know it was released in 2016-2017, but it caught my attention, because to be honest… I thought it was animated by Kyoto Animation .

Also … I hope to make a small reflection on Masters of the Universe Revelation that has raised controversy , the same Q- Force .


Well… this is a different entry , because I wanted to reveal how I feel. Thanks to those who read my post cover to cover, thank you so much to everyone who reads me, especially thanks for the love of my Leviathan post . It was never going to be so popular. I am reading other manhwas , although most of them are adults (I don’t know why I am choosing them).


I think I’m getting my spirits back, talking about this was great, and… I hope I can keep my word.

Again… thanks to all my readers. God bless you! See you in another blog post.

See you soon.





Hola a todos. ¿Cómo están? Espero que todos se encuentren bastante bien.

En esta ocasión, quiero hacer algo distinto. Quiero aclarar un montón de cosas que me han pasado en estos días.

Lo cierto es que… al principio no estaba seguro sobre si realmente quería escribir este entrada en particular, porque no me parece que no debería molestar a nadie con mis problemas, sobre todo porque todos tenemos nuestros asuntos que enfrentar, pero por otro lado, a lo largo de estos meses, yo he recolectado una audiencia bastante grande, mucho más de lo que hubiera imaginado; es más, hasta yo estoy sorprendido; y la verdad es que siento que les debo a mis queridos lectores una explicación de por qué mi ritmo de escritura de entradas de blog ha bajado considerablemente.

Antes que nada, les quiero agradecer, desde el fondo de mi corazón, a todos aquellos que me leen a diario, tanto a los que me siguen como los que no, sobre todo a Irina, de la que he podido aprovechar bastante las escrituras de su blog y me parecen fantásticas, lo mismo a Sebastián, que me ha seguido de manera bastante fiel. Muchas gracias, Sebastián por tu lealtad.

Una vez dicho esto, lo haré todo de la siguiente manera; primero voy a explicar por qué no he escrito tantas entradas de blog como acostumbro a hacer; después mencionaré las otras cosas que he estado haciendo desde mayo, para calmar un poco mi estado de ánimo; y finalmente diré lo que tengo pensado hacer. Después de todo, este blog ha sido una de las cosas que más me ha gustado hacer desde los últimos tres años, y como ya dije antes, fue todo gracias a mis queridos lectores; porque, en todo el mundo, ustedes me han hecho entender que todo esto que estoy haciendo… realmente vale la pena.

Ahora… Aquí voy.


Primero que nada, quiero aclarar que yo soy una persona muy espontánea en vivir día a día; siempre espero ir con la corriente, y no preocuparme por el siguiente paso que espero dar.

Ese es un lado mío.

Y el otro… es que suelo ser una persona increíblemente cuidadosa a la hora de planear las cosas, tanto en el trabajo como en mis planes a futuro. Dicho de otra manera, me gusta disfrutar de la vida, pero me tomo las cosas en serio cuando la ocasión me lo demanda.

Y escribir las entradas de mi blog no es la excepción. Aun cuando lo disfruto muchísimo, porque es una de las cosas que más me conecta con uno de mis artes favoritos… el animé. Por eso, siempre planeo las cosas de antemano, para hacerlo todo y sentir que soy disciplinado, haciendo las cosas bien.

También es cuestión de madurez, al menos desde mi punto de vista. Y eso siempre me ha dejado una gran estabilidad.

Pero a lo largo de mayo y de junio… esa estabilidad se ha venido abajo, por muchos factores que después voy a explicar. Lo que pasa es que, primero… ¿Cómo decirlo sin comprometer a mis amigos y seres amados? Digamos que tuve que lidiar con muchas más cosas de las que esperaba, a nivel personal, profesional, social, y hasta anímico. No pienso entrar mucho en detalle, pero básicamente he tenido que dejar de lado muchas actividades extracurriculares por mis muchas obligaciones, las mismas que cualquiera tiene que enfrentar en la vida.

Y es que, al terminar mi reseña de Yamada-kun y las siete brujas, yo estaba más que animado para volver a trabajar con mucho ahínco en mi blog, así como en mi trabajo y con mis amigos, para tener ese balance que todos necesitamos en la vida. Pero a lo largo de mayo y junio, ese balance se quebró temporalmente; tuve que lidiar con muchas cosas… que al final algo que me apasionaba y me hacía alejarme del mundo real era inexistente.

Ello, como el título lo dice, me llenó de muchísima ansiedad. No me podía concentrar, no lograba hacer las cosas como las planeé, y terminaba frustrado, furioso y sin deseos de hacer nada. Ahora… no estaba sufriendo de depresión, pero sí hubo un punto en que me daba igual todo. Aun así… decidí continuar a pesar de lo exhausto que estaba y de mis responsabilidades. Fue difícil, pero quise hacerlo.

A eso, llegó otro problema… la pandemia. Sí. Para los que no pudieron leer las noticias, los casos de coronavirus repuntaron bastante en Victoria, y yo estaba preocupado, porque pensé que tendríamos otro confinamiento como el que vivimos por casi cuatro meses. Y en efecto… así fue. Estuvimos dos semanas confinados, no podíamos salir, y mi tiempo se vio más reducido, mucho más reducido; desde luego pude descansar, pero casi no tenía fuerzas para nada.

Como dije, no por depresión, sino por cansancio.

Aun así, quise tratar de ver anime, revisar obras como 86: Eighty-six, pero estaba tan cansado que quería reponerme, sobre todo en las dos semanas de confinamiento; aun así… me sentía muy frustrado, porque ese deseo de descansar entraba en conflicto con mi naturaleza adicta al trabajo y mi costumbre de estar activo; me relajaba, pero hubo momentos en donde estaba furioso y mentalmente impotente.

Y mi ansiedad empeoró.

Luego, cuando quería aplicar a algo muy importante, no pude porque los negocios no-esenciales estaban cerrados.  Ello casi me hacer perder la cabeza. Me estaba volviendo loco. Y por un par de anécdotas con mi vida que no voy a mencionar para no comprometer a mis seres queridos, me ponía algo agresivo.

Incluso pensé… ¿Qué demonios quieren? ¡Dígame qué es lo que debía hacer!

Incluso llamé dos veces al servicio de depresión y ansiedad de Australia – Beyond Blue; así que… tras la primera semana de junio, decidí hacer meditación y tomarme tiempo para valorar y regocijarme por las cosas logradas en mi vida.

Y estuve así hasta el día de hoy, incluso durante el lapso de tiempo entre los casos de Victoria repuntaron y cuando empezaron a bajar, hasta que el confinamiento terminó. A pesar de que todo parecía volver a la “normalidad”, mi motivación y mi actitud no eran las mismas.

Por eso, quise tomarme mi tiempo en recuperar mi estado mental y anímico, de otra forma… volvería al mismo desorden que detesté durante estos dos meses. Y me ha ido muy bien, he recibido gran apoyo de mis colegas del trabajo, de mis amigos, de mi familia, incluso tuve una gran noticia de mi hermano en Los Ángeles, que ahora… me han motivado más que nunca.

Y ahora, estoy tratando de volver a esa normalidad.


Además de mis actividades de meditación, he empezado a estudiar portugués a través de Duolingo; y no sólo portugués, sino también italiano y francés. Suena muy loco. La verdad es que poseo un nivel intermedio de portugués, y siempre me han gustado el francés y el italiano, que, para ser honesto, son idiomas tan bonitos como el español o el inglés. A una de mis mejores amigas le gusta el español, a mí también, pero me fascina el francés.

Pero luego, me di cuenta de que aprender francés es difícil; con el italiano y el portugués no me ha ido nada mal, sin embargo, le he bajado a la velocidad, ahora más enfocado en disfrutar lo que estoy aprendiendo.

Incluso estoy tratando de aprender un idioma aborigen – el Wiradjuri, cuya comunidad está más que nada, ubicada en New South Wales; voy poco a poco, pero lo estoy dominando.

Al mismo tiempo, el lunes pasado completé 29 donaciones de sangre; hechas a lo largo, casi, de un año y medio.

Y ya, para terminar, les cuento que he escrito… mi primer libro. Ya está casi listo, sólo falta revisarlo completamente, escribir un par de cosas, y si se puede, lo mando a publicar el fin de año, y en 2022.

Dedos cruzados. En realidad, hay muchos proyectos que quiero terminar y publicar.

También… revelé un poema que escribí el año pasado sobre mis sentimientos por la pandemia. Lo pueden encontrar en Wattpad por sí les interesa. Se llama LUCES DENTRO DEL TUNEL, VOCES DEL AYER.


Y voy a concluir, diciendo que he estado viendo muchas series, desde que terminé mi review de Combatants Will be Dispatched; he visto los primeros episodios de esta serie de Netflix, llamada Record of Ragnarok. Con la Valquiria psicótica, Brunhilde, y estoy preparando su respectivo review, lo mismo The Slime Diaries, y estoy viendo 86: Eighty-six, y me ha parecido una serie fantástica.

Tampoco he olvidado las reflexiones que debo de My Hero Academia, que, como muchos sabrán, es uno de mis animes favoritos. Realmente quiero hacerlas, pero ver a Izuku, Ochaco-chan, Tsu-chan, Bakugo, All Might y el resto de los estudiantes de la U.A. es hermoso.

Y otra serie… Flying Witch. Ya sé que la sacaron en 2016-2017, pero me ha llamado mucho la atención, porque, para ser honesto… pensé que fue animada por Kyoto Animation.

También… espero hacer una pequeña reflexión sobre Masters of the Universe: Revelation que ha levantado polémica, lo mismo Q-Force.

Poco a poco.

Bueno… ésta es una entrada diferente, porque quería revelar cómo me siento. Gracias a los que leyeron mi entrada de principio a fin, muchas gracias a todos los que me leen, sobre todo gracias por el amor a mi entrada de Leviathan. Nunca que fuera a ser tan popular. Estoy leyendo otros manhwas, aunque la mayoría son adultos (No sé por qué los estoy escogiendo).


Creo que estoy recuperando mis ánimos, hablar de esto fue genial, y… espero que pueda cumplir con mi palabra.

De nuevo… gracias a todos mis lectores. ¡Dios los bendiga! Nos vemos en otra entrada de blog.

Hasta pronto.


JAINITUOS ANIME REVIEWS – Yamada-Kun and the Seven Witches – My own Impressions

Yamada-Kun and the Seven Witches

Genre: Romantic Comedy, Harem, Fantasy

Studio: Liden Films

Hello my friends. Welcome to the third entry of the month.

I was just reading some reviews from Rotten Tomatoes, when… I remember that I still have a couple of hours before going to bed, and that’s why I decided to give a go and try to make this day even more special with a new entry. And I hope you guys like it.

Having said that, I want to bring you here….

Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches

But before I continue with this experiment, there is something very important that I must ask:

Are you guys ok? Feeling healthy?

If the answer is yes, then I am happy, and I assure you that, for those who love romantic comedies, Yamada-Kun will not disappoint you, especially if you want to relax and have a good time.

Now… let’s start with Yamada-Kun and the Seven Witches.


Based on the manga written and illustrated by Miki Yoshikawa, Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches tells the story of Ryu Yamada, a juvenile delinquent who likes to fight, get into trouble and hates to study, he is the complete opposite of Urara Shiraishi, the top student of the school. One day, after an accident that took place in the stairs, Yamada-kun and Shiraishi find out that they swap bodies. Thanks to the help of Miyabi Itou, and advised by the student council vice-president, Toranosuke Miyamura, Yamada-kun and Shiraishi revived the Supernatural Activities Club, where they discover the legend of the seven witches. Now they will have to gather all the witches together, resulting in a bunch of hilarious situations and heartwarming moments.

Yamada-kun was published by Kodansha, and published between February 2012 and February 2017, comprising a total of 28 volumes. Furthermore, the franchise released a television drama in 2013, broadcasted by Fuji TV.

Finally, the anime version of Yamada-kun was released in 12 episodes, between April 12 and June 28, 2015, with an OVA that came out in August 28, 2015. One interesting fact is that Urara Shiraishi is voiced by one of my favourite seiyuus of all time, Saori Hayami, and that Yamada-kun is voiced by Ryota Osaka.

Here are some characters voiced by him.

Nariyuki Yuiga (We Never Learn), Sadao (The Devil is a Part-Timer), Eijun Sawamura (Ace of Diamond).

Finally, as a curious trivia, the composer of the series is the legendary Masaru Yokoyama, whom I mentioned before in my blog. Yokoyama composed the soundtrack of anime like Scum’s Wish, Fate/Apocrypha and Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans.


All right. There is something I really want to say regarding Yamada-Kun and the Seven Witches. The anime is incredibly hilarious. All the 12 episodes are full of really funny situations with all the main characters. so you will never get bored with any of the episodes; especially if you are a fan of anime like Saekano, My Teen Comedy goes SNAFU, Oresuki and others. But here is that element of supernatural, as well as the amazing chemistry of Yamada-kun and the rest of the characters, what makes Yamada-kun so entertaining.

From episode one, we basically have the same structure; there is a situation to be solved regarding the witches, Yamada-kun and Shiraishi work together, resulting in a lot of comedy, but at the end, the witch either joins the club, or befriends Yamada-kun (and by «befriend», I mean falls in love).

However, far from feeling old, the great creativity of the story is what makes every episode as funny as the last one; especially because of Yamada-kun and his wacky personality. But I will talk about him later.

And in the end, you got this feeling at the end of the episode.

And then… you got another good laugh.

One element that I must mention is the animation. Beautiful, colourful and pretty charming, as you would expect from an anime produced by Liden Films. At the beginning, the name of Liden Films was not familiar for me, but after some research, I found out that this studio is producing Tokyo Revengers, and many good anime, including…

Like I said, every episode is as funny as the previous one…


Indeed, the characters from Yamada-kun are really wonderful. First I must say that our main protagonists, Ryu Yamada and Urara Shiraishi, have really wonderful chemistry. I know that I mentioned this before, but every time you see them together, you feel happy, not just for the perfect contrast, but also for the comedy, especially when they swap bodies.

And Yamada-kun has a lot of hilarious expressions.

Honestly, every time I see this guy’s face, I couldn’t stop laughing.

And of course, we cannot forget the other witches.

  1. Nene Odagiri – Charm Witch
  2. Meiko Otsuka – Telepathy Witch
  3. Maria Sarushima – Precognition Witch
  4. Noa Takigawa – Retrocognition Witch
  5. Mikoto Asuka – Invisible Witch
  6. Rika Saionji – Mindwipe Witch

All of them offering their own, unique personalities. Seriously, after a while, you remember all after a while.

Overall, none of the characters are fillers; they are as hilarious as our main leads.


I really loved Yamada-Kun and the Seven Witches, definitely is one of the best and most entertaining romantic comedies I have seen. One of my favourites. Because if a romantic comedy, or any anime of any genre, makes me watching again and again, that is an achievement. You will definitely enjoy every moment, every character, and have a big smile whenever you feel down.

So, step in by and let Yamada-Kun charm you and a couple of hours.

One last thing, if there is a second season, there is something Yamada-Kun must include, and that is…