JAINITUOS ANIME REVIEWS – MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: WITCH OF MERCURY – EPISODE 1 – MECHAS AND YURI 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch of Mercury.

Studio: Sunrise

Genre: Mecha, Science Fiction

Hello my friends. Welcome to another entry of my blog.

Firstly, I want to share with you a very special moment – after 12 years and 7 months, I was finally granted the Australian Citizenship.

I have no words for express all the happiness and all the gratitude to those who helped me, supported me and had a lot of faith on me for this very moment. And what can be a better way to celebrate? I know!!! Writing an entry of my blog.


Nah!!! Who am I kidding? Of course that is a lie, there has been a lot of LGBT characters in Mobile Suit Gundam in the past. Nonetheless, I want to bring you my own opinions about the new series of Gundam that was recently released, and that is…

And I will try to do this in a very slight manner, because yesterday night, I was checking the first episode, but I found more interesting than I expected. I was planning to leave and watch episode two instead, so I can write a First Impressions, but I was surprised by some… circumstances of the episode, influenced by the ending of Lycoris Recoil, and the desire of the fans… (if you know what I am talking about), and the relationships of the characters, so I decided to write about the first episode instead.

But before I start, I must ask you the typical question:

Are you guys ok? Feeling healthy?

If the answer is yes, then I am happy.

Now, let’s get into the mecha with the first episode of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch of Mercury.


The episode starts with our protagonist, Suletta Mercury, who recently arrived to the prestigious Asticassia School of Technology; she is very excited, and she says to the mother that she finally made it. Everything goes well, but suddenly Suletta sees a person in a spacesuit, apparently stranded; believing the person is in danger, Suletta gets inside her Gundam Aerial to rescue her, and she successfully brings the person in. Or that is what she believes.

Shortly afterwards, the astronaut headbutts Suletta and reveals she was trying to escape. After Suletta arrives to the school, she discovers that the girl she «rescued» was none other than Miorine Rembran.

The reason of why Miorine tried to escape was because she was engaged to one of the brutish students of the school, yet the top duelist, or «Holder», Guel Jeturk, a movement done by Miorine’s father, Delling Rembran, head of the powerful Benerit Group, the biggest financial and political conglomerate of the universe.

Basically like Disney, but in Gundam universe.

The fact is that Miorine was very unhappy with the arrangement, and her relationship with her father is… How to put it in nice words? Disastrous!!!

Meanwhile, Suletta meets again with Miorine to apologize for her actions, much to the latter’s annoyance, and demands Suletta to leave her alone. However, they have a small moment of bonding thanks to a tomato that Miorine planted. The thing is that, at her place, Miorine has kind of a greenhouse to plant her trees, and offers Suletta a tomato in exchange of leaving her alone.

Shortly afterwards, Guel arrives to confront Miorine for her actions, and to «discipline» her, needless to say that he is going to usr violence against her. But, then, gets, one of the best scenes on the whole episode. In order to «rescue» Miorine, Suletta spanks Guel… literally.

I personally love the way Suletta was trying to be assertive, with her whole body shaking in nervousness. I think that says a lot of the character. However, Guel is anything but happy, and tells Suletta that in the Academy, the duels are the ones that imposes the rules, going beyond, from a simple apology to an engagement. And is how things are.

Man… And I thought that the Hyakkaou Private Academy was a despicable school.

Guel challenges Suletta to a duel, and if she loses, she will be forced to leave the academy. Naturally, Suletta accepts. Meanwhile, Guel’s father plants a bomb on the spacecraft of Delling, in the hopes that his death will legitimate Guel as the rightful heir of the Benerit Group.

During the duel, Guel and the school discovers that it was actually Miorine who pilots the Gundam Aerial, not Suletta. But that does not stops the latter to get into a hoverbike and get into her precious mecha and activate the true power of her Gundam, and quickly defeat Guel.

The victory immediately grants Suletta the position of the «Holder», and well as a fiancee. Yes. Suletta becomes the girlfriend of Miorine.

And of course, the assassination attempt is immediately called off, and with this glorious posse of the Gundam Aerial, we conclude Episode One.


Ok! Where to start?

I must confess that, when I saw the final scene of the engagement of The Witch from Mercury, I couldn’t believe it. And yet, I was prepared to meet something like that, because I was reading on the Internet that some of Lycoris Recoil fans were heading to The Witch from Mercury in order to satisfy some «yuri» desires.

And I am not saying this. This is the article I took that statement. Be careful, because it is in Spanish.

In some terms, it says that the ending of episode one from The Witch from Mercury were hooked by the possible yuri relationship between Miorine and Suletta, and I am saying possible because I am waiting to watch more episodes of this series in order to watch how these two characters evolve.

Indeed I will get more surprises.

But changing the topic, I saw one of the best themes that has most of the Mobile Suit Gundam series – social commentary; in this case, how capitalism and financial power wretches society, to the point of racism, misogyny and discrimination. In this case, only those who are powerful can oppress and abuse the least fortunates. And it is done in the most subtle way possible, just like Gundam does.

And Delling reminded me a lot of Andrew Ryan from BioShock, and his most famous quote.

He does not even has a lot of interest of her daughter, only about maintaining his power and I will not be surprised if he becomes the main antagonist of The Witch from Mercury, or a major one.

But indeed the best part was how the bond between Miorine and Suletta was born, with some simple moments, they start a great adventure, including the «rescue» from the beginning, Miorine offering a tomato to Suletta, the intervention of Suletta against Guel, and the offical engagement.

And of course… the animation. It is Studio Sunrise, the one that has done practically every series of Mobile Suit Gundam from 1979. And this time, it is not the exception.

Anyway, the episode one was great. And I want to watch more, especially to see if there is really that amount of yuri. THUMBS UP!!!

And because I love you, my friends, I leave this image of our favourite yuri couple of The Witch from Mercury…

Did I say image? I meant… Galleria!!!

drawn by greatwhite1122
drawn by kaji kento
drawn by Gojarun

Because I love you all!!!

Anyway, hope you like my review. See you soon.


86: Eighty-Six (Part 2)

Genre: War, Mecha, Romance

Studio: A-1 Pictures


Yep. It is about time.

Although I haven’t properly watched the first part, like I should, I have watched from episode 12 to 14, and some parts of today’s episode, and I think I have an idea of which are my impressions of 86: Eighty-six. Don’t get me wrong. I have watched some of the episodes of Part 1, but I did in a very messy way, so I have to rewatch them properly, and them make a proper review about it.

Nonetheless, I think I will agree in what many fans think is one of the best anime of 2021, and simply a worthy product from our beloved A-1 Pictures. But, most importantly…

How to say NO to two of the waifus of 2021.

Lena and Henrietta

But first, I have to assk you the typical questions:

Are you guys ok? Feeling healthy?

If the answer is yes, then I am happy. Well, partially, because I am right now with a big headache, and I should be in bed, but I decided to write this review now, and then, go to bed. Hopefully I will be fine by tomorrow. Ok Henrietta?

She looks so excited!!

Anyway. Let’s go.


Based on the light novel series, written by Asato Asato, and illustrated by Shirabii, 86: Eighty-six (Part 2) adapts the second volume of the light novel.

After the events of episode 11 of the anime, the remaining members of the Spearhead Squadron, Shin, Raiden, Kureha, Theo and Anju arrived to the territory of the Federal Republic of Giad, where they meet with Ernst Zimmermann, their prime minister, who grants them citizenship, equal rights and a home; they also encounter Frederica Rosenfert, a young girl who is cared by Zimmermann. At the beginning, all of them seem to enjoy the civilian, peaceful life, however, none of them can forget the sacrifices of the rest of the Squadron, so they decide to go back to the battlefield, this time as officers of Giad, discovering that Frederica is Augusta Fredrich Adel-Adler, the last Empress of Giad, and that her blood grants the power of psychometry.

All of them depart for the battle, afterwards.

Meanwhile, in San Magnolia, Vladilena «Lena» Milizé is demoted from major to captain, but she still the best Handler of the 86 district, this time with an agent called Cyclops.

The first episode of Part II was released on October 3rd. This second cour has as opening, Boundary Line (or Kyokaisen for its Japanese words), performed by Amazarashi, while the new ending is called Alchemia, by Regal Lily.


Alright. I started saying the obvious. I really loved 86: Eighty-Six, Part II, and as of November 7, 2021, as much as as I have enjoyed Part I. I do not think it is possible to say, until now, which is be better, but I loved both equally.

86; Eighty-Six Part II has a lot of cool elements, but first I will start with the easy ones, you know, the ones that will not force me to write whole paragraphs. First and foremost, the animation – it is beautiful, but that does not surprise me, because we are talking about A-1 Pictures, who, after all the amazing curriculum that they have, we cannot expect any less from them, or from Cloverworks, especially 2021.

Both HoriMiya and Wonder Egg Priority are proof of that talent indeed.

Let’s not forget the character design, although this is more the merit of both the writer and the illustrator.

The soundtrack is beautiful too, well, one of the composers is Hiroyuki Sawano, from Seven Deadly Sins (also from A-1 Pictures until Wrath of the Gods). Also the designs of Legion and the rest of Mecha are fantastic.

Now let’s go deep into the other well-done stuff. This still represents my feelings.

The story has a good introduction. I mean, from the moment Shin and company arrived to the Federal Republic of Giad, the episodes shows solid backstory about the country, the military, the society, the characters, and how its citizens support the freedom of the Eighty-Six, and the immediate differences between Ernst’s humanitarian personality and Frederica’s childish antics, making a powerful contrast with San Magnolia. And then, the next episode, the feelings and inner conflict of the Spearhead are explored, taking its time to make both solid and convincing.

Not just a good rhythm, I would say a special care of which elements contribute to the development of story and characters.

Another element that I loved is to see Shin, Raiden, Anju, Theo and Kureha finally being treated with dignity.

Yes. I know that all return to the battlefield afterwards, but those minutes of the Spearhead Squadron living normal lives and treated as human beings are really heartwarming, especially after all the abuse, prejudice and loss they suffered thanks to San Magnolia. And let’s not forget the cuteness of Frederica and Shin together.

Also I give credit to Episode 13, from this sequence.

From Raiden to Shin, all of them are backwards, and enjoying the daily life at Giad.

And this scene is very important, because it reflects the inner conflict the Spearhead Squadron is facing right now, because despite having freedom, the very thing all of them fought for, none of them can forget their fallen comrades, or where do they come from.

More importantly, from the arrival to Giad until the basic training as officers, there is a natural pacing throughout the episodes, allowing the viewer to relate with our main characters even more.

Because of that rhythm, and the beautiful world-building, you enjoy the action and the realism of war better (especially if you watch Part I).

Finally, we got the social commentary from Part I, profound and interesting to say the least. There is some violence, but it belongs to the context, and the feeling that, perhaps… I mean, perhaps. Part II will be darker.

Like I said, if you enjoy Part I, you will enjoy Part II.


By the time we reach Part II, we are already familiar with the characters. We know who is Shin, who is Anju, who is Kureha, who is Raiden, who is Theo, who is Lena and who is Annette; but since we saw how they behave in a civilian context, we see another part of their personalities, for a few minutes, but that’s good enough. Also the voice acting, at least in Japanese, is really good, you can tell that the actors already know their characters and how they will react.

But, I want to an honorable mention to…

For her voice, of course. Yes! Anju is a BEAUTY!!! Her code is the Snow Witch for a reason. But I love her more because she is voiced by one of the greatest seiyuu of history.


Hail to you!!! Seiyuu Princess.

I love your precious contribution to anime…

…that sadly, includes that filthy, treacherous «b&*ch», Rachel, from Tower of God.

Furthermore, we can agree that there a lot of memorable female characters from 86: Eighty-Six, a lot to choose for my Top Waifu list for 2021. Until then, all I can saw is…

And finally, we cannot forget the true star of the show. And not Lena, I am afraid…

I mean Frederica. She is a girl, and like I said, she does a lot of childish antics throughout Part II, but not to be point of being obnoxious… AND I LOVE HER.

Seriously. she is truly the perfect mascot. (And no. This isn’t me, that’s her position on the Nordlicht Squadron, according to myanimelist.com)

And… Let’s indulge ourselves with another gallery of her childish enthusiasm.

ARRIBA FREDERICA! I will be very nice with you!!!


Indeed, 86: Eighty-Six Part II is as entertaining and solid as Part I. I already said what I needed to say, but if you enjoy Part I, you will definitely enjoy Part II.

Someday, I will review Part I, but even then, I have something very clear.

86: Eighty-Six is one of the best anime of 2021.

I know it is only Part II, but it is something. Hopefully Henrietta will be happy. Right Henrietta?

Oh. Ok.. Would you do some fanservice with Lena for me?