The Detective is Already Dead

Genre: Fantasy

Studio: ENGI.

Hello my friends.

Welcome to another entry of my blog.

And finally, after so many days of waiting, I am able to talk about this «cutesy» series that I watch and I find out that I am ready to binge it. If there is any genre that I liked, from anime, literature, movies, and even comics, is mystery; even since I realised that Agatha Christie was the creator of Hercule Poirot, Miss Jane Marple, and that Sherlock Holmes existed, I felt a great joy in my life with detective fiction.

And thanks to those media, I grow up to love Detective Conan.

Ok. Perhaps I went too far.

The point is that recently I saw his series, and it taught that there is something possibly better than a detective anime, or detective light novel. A detective story with some traces of fantasy, a beautiful heroine, and some possible romance.



And now, we got this…

The Detective is Already Dead!!!

But before I start, I must ask you the some question, as always.

Are you guys ok? Feeling healthy?

If the answers is yes, then I am very happy.

And now, let’s get the detective back to life in The Detective Is Already Dead.


Based on the series of light novels, written by Nigoju and illustrated by Umibozu, The Detective is Already Dead (Tantei wa Mō, Shinde Iru. a.k.a., 探偵はもう、死んでいる), tells the story of Kimihiko Kimizuka, a young man who always got the fame of attracting trouble, or being a «magnet of problematic situations». From being a suspect in multiple crime scenes, to being involving in awkward activities when trying to relax, Kimihiko is always in trouble.

But one day, when the airplane he travels is hijacked, Kimihiko works with a young lady with white hair, only known as Siesta, to stop the hijacker and recover a very important suitcase he was tasked to deliver. After the plane is saved and the suitcase recovered, Siesta forces Kimihiko to work with her as a sidekick, making him solve a lot of mysteries for three years.

However, there is a problem. Siesta already passed away, and Kimihiko discovers he cannot leave the memories with her behind.

From the moment is researched about Tantei wa Mō, Shinde Iru., I started to find more and more surprised; first and foremost, Nigoju started publishing this series from November, 2019, and by August 2021, the series has reached five volumes; secondly, the author has apparently inspired by successful light novels such as Saekano, and Oreimo, so he wanted to make his own series by then.

As a matter of fact, now I feel like I am being the detective now.

Anyway. the anime adaptation of The Detective is Already Dead will have 12 episodes, while the first episode was released on last July 4th. The studio beneath its production is Studio ENGI, who, again to my surprise, produced one of the funniest anime from 2020.

KEMONO MICHI!! Seriously!!! I still got a laugh from this cuteness!

On voice acting, Siesta is played by Saki Miyashita, previously known for being Kanata Higa, on Harukana Receive, Arata Nagai (Daisen Kokoriki on Nanbaka) as Kimihiko, and Ayata Taketatasu, probably the most veteran of the main cast (Date A Live, Idolmaster Cinderella Girls), as Nagisa Natsunagi.


Siesta, badass and cute!! Welcome to my waifu list!

Ok. Now, Since I only saw the first episode, the one that covers Vol 1. of the light novel in the first half, and Vol. 2 on the second half. I will mostly focus on the impression that I saw from them, and I hope that is enough to satisfy my beloved readers. At least, until I watching the rest of the episodes.

But before, I must clarify… I haven’t read the light novels.

Anyway. The moment I got the title of the story, The Detective is Already Dead, I thought it might be some story of psychological thriller, or at least some tragedy anime in which the main protagonist tried to face some dilemma of his past. And I was partially correct. I was also expecting some detective fiction, but I was ready to be disappointed for the «spoiler» that the title threw at me.

And then… I saw both Kimihiko and Siesta. The moment Siesta faced the «main villain» of the story, I understood how good was her doing mind job, that is, detective deductions, but then, there is one «supernatural» event that left me surprised, all from Siesta, and then I thought…

«Oh!! Wow!! Fantasy and detective stuff!! Alright!!! And perhaps romance!!!»

Then I analysed Kimihiko, and I consider that, despite him being attracted to trouble, he was a down-to-Earth guy that was forced to mature due to this «condition», or at least have some special ability. But it is mostly his own intelligence. Of course, not as smart as Siesta.

There was some fashion of buddy and cop, just like Victorique and Kujo, from Gosick.

Or Kuro and Kotoko, from In/Spectre.

Buddy. What’s wrong? It’s not like you are being forced to have babies now.

Then, during the second half, I saw that Kimihiko and Siesta first started eating pizza, and then going to school in some kind of romantic comedy (Perhaps a small tribute to Saekano and Oreimo); which I found beautiful, because, unlike the first story, I saw more of Siesta and Kimihiko as individuals. So… imagine what would happen if both could become a couple?

  1. Maturating as individuals together.
  2. Become better detectives together.
  3. Falling in love and having a very optimistic perspective of the future.

Alright then, Perhaps I am over-thinking it. But literally this is how I felt about this first episode. Also, because the animation is pretty good. It has wonderful colour scheme, and on the action sequences, they have very fluid movements, and convincing choreography, not the best, but really enjoyable enough.

So at least the experience was pretty memorable. I was really hyped.

However, I recently read some reviews at Myanimelist.com, and one of them called it «the infamous light novel The Detective is Already Dead.» mentioning «notorious bits of fanservice». This is why I mentioned I haven’t read the light novels, because I can’t assure whether that is true or not.

But for now, I am willing to take my chances.


I think I already mentioned everything I needed to saw about the characters of The Detective is Already Dead, basically because, in episode one, the main stars of the show are both Kimihiko and Siesta. Also, the name Siesta is pretty random, at least for me.

Because Siesta means «nap» in Spanish. A foresight of what happens to her? The eternal Siesta?

And regarding Kimihiko, I have to admit that I would call him a bald main lead if it wasn’t because I liked his self-control, and meticulous personality, at least from my perspective. Overall, both Siesta and Kimihiko encourage me to see more.

And I am grateful for that.


Despite some opinions I read, and hear about this series, The Detective is Already Dead left on me such an impression, powerful enough to watch the rest episode, and find out if those opinions, especially the negative ones, are truly justified.

Perhaps I will end hating this series, or at least say that the fanservice is ok. But one thing is for sure… For Siesta, Kimihiko, and both Nigoju’s and Umibozu’s work… I will definitely become a detective… of anime and light novels.

But until then… There are some pending mysteries of my own… like…

Will ever be a second season of Elaina?
Will ever Saya STOP ACTING LIKE A F*&^ING KUROKO 2.0.?
Is Violent Elaina a clone of Siesta?
Is Mina’s love for Saya big enough to break boundaries of sisterhood?

Come and join me on my next upcoming idea of fanfic…




GENRE: Isekai, Adventure, Comedy

Hey Guys.

Welcome to another entry from anime reviews.

And this time… I will review another, crazy hilarious story. And you will be happy after I mention where this series comes from…

From the Creator of Konosuba, comes…


But before I got into the review, first i must ask you the typical question.

Are you guys ok? Having a good time?

If the answer is yes, then I am happy.

Especially because… I must announce that I am suffering from Bell’s Palsy on the right side of my face; hopefully I got to the doctor, and he told me its temporary, I need to take medicine and do physical exercises. Luckily, that is not stopping me from writing my review.

Anyway… On to Kemono Michi: Rise up!!!


As I mentioned before, Kemono Michi: Rise Up is based on the manga from the same name, written by Natsume Akatsuki (or Jitakukeibihei as stated from Wikipedia), and illustrated by Mattakumo-suke Yumeuta; it tells the story of Genzo Shibata, a.k.a. Animal Mask, a very, very… Very successful pro wrestler that is about to face his last match against his longtime rival, MAO (No really, that is his name), so he can retire and start with, according to him, the new chapter in his life after winning the Championship; open his own pet shop.

Yes. It is pretty clear that this guy really loves animals. You can see that from the very first second of the episode.

Anyway, before the match, he is transported to another world, to become that hero that is destined the evil, nefarious, and inhuman Demon King. But, there is a big problem…


And to add insult to injury, he uses the iconic German Suplex against the princess/priestess that summoned him, exposing her underwear and earning her a very hilarious nickname



Sorry guys! I was looking to German Suplex and I found it. Love it!!

What else could you expect from the creator of the greatest isekai comedy of all time? This is pure insanity at its fullest. I got to admit, that I have ever never had so much laughter and so much fun with an anime like this since Isekai Quartet season 1. With the first two episodes, and, to be honest, all the random clips I caught from YouTube, I knew I will enjoy this series to the maximum.



Directed by Kazuya Miura, and written by Touko Machida, Kemono Michi: Rise Up is the debut production of Studio Engi, and it is running through twelve episodes, but don’t get surprised if we soon hear the news of a second season, possibly for 2021. And mostly is the antics of Genzo Shibata trying to open his pet shop, while trying to «make peace» between humans and beasts through his… «Love and devotion» toward animals.

But trust me, this is even better to see it than to describe.

From my perspective, this anime has one specific purpose for the fans: bring them fun. Every single second from Kemono Michi: Rise Up is pure comedy. It is another great deconstruction of the Isekai genre itself, with a hero that is as hysterical and incompetent as Kazuma Satou. (Hai Kazuma desu), but stronger and more brainless.

The only problem, at least for me, is that the comedy is not that creative as in Konosuba. Furthermore, I think that Konosuba, especially during the movie, has its own poignant moments, and sometimes it combines drama, action and epic battles. It’s not like Kemono Michi does not has them, but it does not fell like the energy and intensity than in Konosuba. Now, please don’t get me wrong; Kemono Michi has it’s own crowning achievements of awesome. But I don’t think many fans will remember them as much as they remember those from Konosuba.

Nevertheless, Kemono Michi is definitely one anime with great comedic sense, and that alone makes a winner in my book. It is not for being taken seriously, just for having fun.



And just like Konosuba, Kemono Michi has a bunch of really colourful and likeable characters. (Or shall I say Likeable idiots, gift from Konosuba?) We got the greedy, yet charming Shigure, a half-human, half-wolf who has to become rich in no time; Carmilla (Oh! References!), an extremely perverted and alcoholic vampire who is always beneath her master, Hanako, a child who is a half-dragon, half-man, whose dream is to travel all over the world, eating everything, Now. the reason why I said «eating everything» rather than «to taste all kind of cuisines from all over the world», because she is literally eating something; on the other hand, after taking a look to her background, I can deeply understand why.

And we got Rose, Joanna, Misha, Princess Buttocks (I mean… Altena), and of course… the breakout character of the series…

Hataage! Kemono Michi - 05 - Large 21


Just watching him is enough to… Oh dear!!!

Anyway, each of this wonderful cast brings it’s own energy to the comical situations, especially Genzo, making Kemono Michi: Rise Up extremely fun to watch.

Which is your favourite character? Let me know below on the comments.



Although not as memorable as Konosuba, Kemono Michi; Rise Up indeed offers a marvellous experience, and definitely one of the best anime of 2019. If you are a fan of Konosuba, this is definitely for you.

Just give it a try, and enjoy… Because ALL THE FUN AND COMEDY COMES FROM THE DEMON BEAST KILLER…