Spy Classroom (Spy Kyoshitsu)

Genre: Adventure, Spy

Studio: Feel

Hello, my friends. Welcome to another entry of my blog

First and foremost,…

Happy New Year!!

It has been a long time since we started this wonderful year now, and just like many of you, I have been in holidays for a while, and I posted some pictures of my travels at Ballarat and Canberra at the beginning of the present month. Ane yes! I ahad a good time, and I am prepared for celebrating the Chinese New Year pretty soon near to my house.

But now it is time to get back to work, writing entries in my blog and analysing a lot of anime. And I have watched a couple of pretty nice anime that I really enjoyed. And I am prepared to write about them.

One is Blue Lock, and the other one…

…Is Spy Kyoshitsu, or Spy Classroom.

And I will write quickly about this little series, and about from what I have watched so far.

But before I start, I must ask you the typical question:

Are you guys ok? Feeling healthy?

If the answer is yes, then I am happy.

But now, time to go to the mission, here is Spy Classroom, or Spy Kyoshitsu


Based on the series of light novels written by Takemichi, and illustrated by Tomari, Spy Kyoshitsu takes place in a world that recently recovered from a very devastating war, and despite the fact that there is peace everywhere, there is another type of war that is being fought – a cold war. Or if prefer, a spy war. In the words of the story, the war in the light has ended, but there is a war of darkness, a war of information and trickery. In this war, there is a very fantastic team, called Inferno, specializing in “Impossible Missions. But all the members of Inferno has been killed, except for one sole member – Klaus – Now, it is up to Klaus to create another spy team, called Lamplight, that focuses in missions in which the death rate is 90%, and this team is made up of seven high school girls with different abilities and backgrounds. But there is a problem, all of these girls are the worst students of their respective academies.

Will Klaus succeed in this new mission?

Spy Kyoshitsu started publication in Fujimi Shobo on January, 2020, and as of January 24, 2023 (three years later.), Spy Classroom has nine volumes, and another three books of short stories of this story. And Yen Press has been printed all of the volumes in English.

Also, it has released three episodes under the supervision of Studio Feel (My teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Outbreak Company).

Some of the voice cast of Spy Kyoshitsu includes recognized talent such as Yuichiro Umehara (Goblin Slayer, Darling in the FRANXX), Sora Asamiya (Konosuba, Call of the night), Aoi Yuki (Youjo Senki, One Punch Man).

Finally, according to Myanimelist, Spy Kyoshitsu is going to have 12 episodes, Hopefully I am mistaken, because I am loving this show.


Now, I know what many of you are thinking, that it is very going hard to compare Spy Kyoshitsu with our all-time favourite anime.

But don’t worry, I am aware that these two are very different series, and I will treat them as such. Having said that, let’s continue.

Now, for those who previously read my review of Princess Principal, I think they remember that my main “complain” with that particular anime was the fact is that was not based either in a manga or a light novel, because of the amazing potential and meaning for Princess Principal should was based on another source. By the way, I am going to leave the link of my review of Princess Principal here for those interested.

And now, some months later, I meet Spy Kyoshitsu, I feel like someone was answering my whim. Because this is exactly how I was imagining Princess Principal coming from light novels – a nice background, beautiful artwork, enjoyable adventure, and the most important thing… the great feeling that all of this excitement will be there for me after an anime adaptation.

Yeah. Not a big difference, but I mentioned it.

Anyway, I want to talk about one of my favourite elements – the art.

I got to say that I was surprised of the artwork. For a series that takes place in a very “dystopic” world that has spies, this artwork is amazing. It kind of maintains a balance between the beauty and the grim, similar to Call of the Night, another series that I will discuss very soon. Honestly, there is no way I can pass out this, that single frame of one of the main characters, Lily, is beautiful.

Another element that complements the art pretty well is the animation, at least in my opinion. Many of the stills are well-connected, and there is a pretty solid flow in action scenes; despite not being too inventive, of as immersive like in Chainsaw Man, they are in quality of Ranking of Kings. And the story keeps a nice tension, although it can be predictable, that means… you know that very few of the main characters will die, but that does not mean the episodes do not get you with a surprise.

Because that is another point – the tone is still dark; people is still going to die, and do not expect any shyness with violence. It is not very graphic, but it is still imposing enough. It is the opposite of Spy x Family, while the former is light-hearted and family-friendly, Spy Kyoshitsu can be a bit disturbing at times.

Also, the rhythm is… enjoyable. I got to admit that it can be pretty slow, but with the necessary dose of character development and storytelling expected in a light novel series like this. In other words, you understand what is going on, assimilate the conflict and enjoy the events as the story progresses.

However, under no circumstances, do not expect Spy Kyoshitsu to be very similar to Spy x Family. No! Spy x Family is about a spy, an assassin and a telepath being a family, being that the main story with some side stories involving their jobs with huge amounts of comedy, while Spy Kyoshitsu is about girls trying to be spies, in a war that can destroy the world, not just Westalis and Ostania.

Still, if you like Spy x Family, try to give a taste of Spy Kyoshitsu. I cannot promise you will like it as much, but you will not get bored.


Indeed, one of the best elements of Spy Kyoshitsu is their characters. Klaus, being the stoic, yet caring founder and mentor of Lamplight. Lily, code Flower Garden, is the kind leader and expert in poisons; Sybylla, code Pandemonium, is the athlete of the group and the strongest member; Grete, code Dearest Daughter, is expert in disguises, being as great as Loid Forger; Monika, code Glint, is expert in fighting and stealth; Thea, code Dreamspeaker, specializes in persuasion; Sara, code, Meadow, is the expert in information; and Annette, code Forgetter, is the engineer of the group.

From the very first moment, you know all the identities of each member, and the story emphasizes the scope of the ability of each member. And their character design is pretty awesome.

As a matter of fact, I thought Lily and Sybylla were relatives.

My only issue is that, at least on the first three episodes, the ones who has more time of developments are Klaus and Lily. That’s something great because they are main characters. But what about the rest? Yes, it is already established all of the members of Lamplight, but I wish the episodes will emphasize a bit more in the rest of Lamplight, not just some mere minutes.

Still, there are pretty good characters, and indeed the best element of Spy Kyoshitsu.

And there are a couple of surprises regarding the characters in the first three episodes. Of course, I will not reveal, because it is a spoiler, and I do not want to be a bad spy.

But sure, you will enjoy as much as I did.


Spy Kyoshitsu is better than I thought. And yes, I am well aware that many fans will still stay woth Spy x Family, but if you are one of those fans, take your time and watch Spy Kyoshitsu. It has everything you will enjoy – Loveable characters, solid background, nice animation, better character design, and sweet action.

Take my word, you will not regret it.

And now… I must flee.

My enemies are behind me, and I must accomplish my mission, otherwise, it is the end of the world… my world.

And that mission is…

To find out…

Which will be my votes for Crunchyroll Anime Awards?

Wish me luck… Perhaps I am not coming back alive, my heart can’t take all that excitement.

Perez… Jaime Perez.

Over and out.


Skeleton Knight in Another World

Genre: Isekai, Fantasy, Adventure

Studio: Hornet/Studio Kai

Hello my friends. Welcome to another entry of my blog.

After such a very busy week, and after 10 years making bagels, I decided to make a little difference in my routine, and watch some isekai that I was looking forward for weeks, and I got to say that… it left me divided in many ways. And I will try to be as concise as possible in my opinion.

Having said that, behold…

And again, before I continue, I must ask you my friends the typical question:

Are you guys ok? Feeling healthy?

If the answer is yes, then I am happy.

Now, let’s move the bones and write about this anime.


Based on the light novels written by Ennki Hakari, illustrated by Akira Sawano, and published by Overlap Bunko (Seven Seas Entertainment in English), Skeleton Kinght in Another World (Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekake-chū or 骸骨騎士様、只今異世界へお出掛け中), tells the story of a young player who was testing an unnamed fantasy game who suddenly awakens living on this new world with the character he created, a combination between knight and paladin, which grants him superhuman strength and great magic. In this game, his name is Arc Lalatoya.

But he soon finds a big problem.

He is a skeleton, and that is because the player chose that avatar while creating his character. After saving a couple of women from bandits as a part of joining a guild and get jobs, Arc decides to test his ability while concealing his identity for fear of the consequences and not to scare the people.

From there, he goes on this new world in order to find adventures and find the cause of the «curse» that this knight has.

In other words, Skeleton Knight is like Overlord, but with less evil and Albedo.

It will be funny if Arc and Ainz Ooal Gown meet each other.

Skeleton Knight in Another World is available at Crunchyroll.

As of June 12, the series has released ten episodes, possibly for a total of 12. And despite founded in 2019, Studio Kai has already released many popular anime, including Uma Musume and Super Cub, which proves that the studio is experienced enough.

Finally, Skeleton Knight counts with talented cast, including Fairouz Ai and Tomoaki Maeno.


Ok. Now here is the hard part. Where to start?

Let me put one of the very moments of the first episode.

Some bandits ambushed a carriage, with a girl from nobility, Lauren Luvierte, her maid, Rita, and a battalion of guards. The latter are killed, while the two girls are about to be… leg-opened (You know what I am talking about), and just when the leader of the gangs is about to commit the heinous act, a big knight with a white armour cuts the bandits in half with no problem, saving the girls and escort them back to safety.

I was shocked. Some introduction like that was expected in anime like Goblin Slayer! and Redo of Healer, or any fantasy hentai. And I was very excited to see what to do next, because you could that Skeleton Knight will be darker, or at least go over the top in regards of violence and action. And I was right, in the next episodes will be watching scenes regarding slavery and exploitation.

So yeah. In that essence, I praised Skeleton Knight for taking some serious themes, like the previously mentioned anime, and I almost forget The Rising of the Shield Hero.

Also, the animation looks really clean. In scenes with day and night, Skeleton Knight follows the trend of many isekai, trying to have polished animation and artwork that is loyal to the atmosphere of this new world.

But then, there is the element that disappointed me a bit – the narrative.

Why is that? Because it does the same thing as many isekai do. They present the main character, he or she gives a speech of what was he/she doing before, with very little memories of what happened, then the MC slowly tests the abilities granted, a victory is earned, along with a very generous reward, the MC realises that he/she is overpowered and then get excited about what the future beholds. With the next episodes slowly introducing the rest of the protagonists and the supporting cast.

Per se this type of narrative is not bad, but the problem is that it quickly becomes a cliché on the isekai, a very formulaic narrative in which there is a risk that the author does not put any effort on being inventive and slowly neglects world-building and character development.

Even So I am A Spider, so What? is more original in the storytelling showing two perspectives, the one of the main protagonist, and the other of the human characters.

This is only my opinion. I hope that other fans agree with me. Perhaps I am talking non-sense, but I wanted to point that out.

For the rest, the action scenes are really entertaining, especially the ones fro the first three episodes, and if those who are demanding with the story can overlook that element, it can become a very fantastic experiment.

On the other hand, I don’t think Skeleton Knight wants to be an innovative story or ground-breaking, it is a simple story of isekai with the typical characters of that genre, and the overpowered MC.

But, if you just want to have fun with another isekai, you can check Skeleton Knight in Another World for sure.


Nonetheless, just as the story is not as innovative as I thought, the characters are the true strength of Skeleton Knight.

Arc Lalatoya can be hilarious and badass at the same time, but you can tell he is a really likeable protagonist that you want to root for. And then we got Ariane Glenys Maple, a dark elf that quickly befriends Arc, and that we can consider…

…A new member of the many elves that are goddesses with her abilities.

Ponta is the mascot of the heroes of Skeleton Knight, and… We can Chiyome, our beast ninja.

Ponta is the cute, nice version of the nine tales from Naruto, and regarding Chiyome… Remember Commandment One of the Isekai.

«Thou Shalt include a half-woman, half beast warrior unto thee Isekai».

But seriously, all the chemistry and the design of these characters is wonderful, and it is definitely one of the best strengths of Skeleton Knight in Another World, along with the themes of slavery and violence.

My respects toward Ennki Hakiri and Akira Sawano for the characters.


Skeleton Knight in Another World is a story with good and bad points, but the latter can only be depending on your viewpoint about the episodes you watch. But it is definitely a welcome addition in your isekai list.

And once again, don’t get too influenced on my entry. Get this story an opportunity, and you will have a good time.

Because if not… What if this skeleton comes to get you?

And now… I must go back to create ideas for my isekai.

SEE You soon!!!


The Great Jahy Will Not be Defeated

Genre: Comedy, Slice-of-life

Studio: Silver Link.

Hello my friends.

Welcome to another entry of my blog.

Since I have a couple of extra hours before the day finishes, I am taking this opportunity to talk about an anime which I found very interesting, some series that helped me to have a relatively good time last weekend.

And… well. The title explains for itself.

But before I continue with my review, I must ask you again the typical Question:

Are you my friends ok? Feeling healthy?

If the answer is yes, then I am very happy.

Now, time to start with the review, to prove that I can defeat the great Jahy with my words, once and for all.


The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated , or Jahī-sama wa Kujikenai! (ジャヒー様はくじけない!) is based on the manga written by Wakame Konbu, and published by Square Enix; the story started publication on August 22, 2017. The great Jahy is the aide of most powerful, diabolical and feared Demon Lord on the Demon Realm, she rules practically over everyone and everything, when, suddenly, a magical girl attacks Jahy and defeats her. Worse still, the powerful mana crystal that grants Jahy her powers is shattered into pieces; because of this, Jahy ends up shrunken, almost powerless, and, believe it or not, transported to our world.

Now, Jahy must fight to reunite again all the pieces of her precious mana crystal, while fighting to manage her expenses, work hard, and pay the rent. One thing that definitely does not change from Jahy is her confident, determinate, resilient attitude.

The anime was released on August 1st, and it will consist in 20 episodes.

Regarding voice acting, The Great Jahy Will not be defeated includes talented seiyuu, such as Naomi Ozora (Servant x Service) as Jahy; Kana Hanazawa (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba), and Ai Kayano (Sword Art Online, Konosuba!), among others.

Finally, the opening theme, Fightin★Pose, is performed by Yui Ogura (Goblin Slayer), and the ending theme, Tsumari wa Itsumo Kujikenai!, is a Hololive Production.

A small tribute to Virtual YouTubers is always welcome!

Jahy-sama (Yeah! I will use that title from now on!), is currently available at Crunchyroll.


I must be honest now.

In 2021, I got this weird fetish toward dark-skinned, sexy, demon lords.

First it came Heine, from Combatants Will be Dispatched…

Then, it came Beelzebub, from Slime Taoshite 300 nen.

And now it’s gonna be probably be Jahy. That’s for sure!

But is her story as sexy as Jahy-sama in her real form?

Ok. Jokes aside. I will simply focus on what I saw on the first episode. First we got the introduction of Jahy, who was she before arriving to our world, who was the magical girl who brought Jahy so many trouble, where is she working, what she needs to do, her boss and landlady.

Don’t get surprised, but when I saw that episode, I remember another anime of similar premise – The Devil is a Part-Timer, and another favourite anime, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid; all of them being Inverse Isekai, where one creature from a fantasy world comes to ours. One of the main differences between Tohru, Sadao and Jahy is that the latter is all by herself.

Another big difference is that The Devil is a Part-Timer dedicates more time of its first episode to show us a bit more of the fantasy world Sadao comes from. In contrast, Jahy-sama starts with Jahy being shrunken and telling us what happened.

Then, it is revealed that Jahy got a job on a local izakaya restaurant, and because of her beauty and charm, she becomes the most popular waitress, as popular as her manager.

Now, she just earned two extra points on my top 2021 waifus.

And I know what you are thinking. If Jahy is shrunken, how she can return to her normal self? Well. Turns out that Jahy still has a piece of her mana crystal in the form of a necklace, which allows her to regain her form for some hours.

Unfortunately, Jahy returns to her shrunk form, just in the exact moment her manager is looking for her. Jahy freaks out, and for very good reasons; to her surprise, instead of being reported to police, her store manager sympathises with her, and gives Jahy some leftovers. But there is one big problem, Jahy loses her necklace, only to find out that her manager has it.

Oh, and casually, the store manager’s sister, Ryou, is also Jahy’s landlady.

To sum up, the first episode of Jahy-sama is very similar to the first episode of The Devil is a Part-Timer; where the once powerful Demon Lord is now reduced to a law-abiding citizen, and the comedy is very similar, of course, not to the point of being a copy, but this is a premise that you will immediately recognise.

I don’t mind if that’s the case. In fact, if you like The Devil is a Part-Timer, you will also enjoy Jahy-sama. Overall, the first episode delivers what it promises – a fantasy/sitcom that entertains you, as long as you are not too demanding. Otherwise, you will get disappointed.

The animation, on the other hand, is beautiful. It is a waifu factory. Watch.

Nevertheless, I personally prefer the animation of Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, because this one has a more original style and more polished colour palette. I must remember that Kobayashi-san is done by Kyoto Animation, one of the best studios in terms of animation. No wonder why I feel like that.

Also, for the first episode, Jahy-sama offers a decent rhythm, except in the part where Jahy lived as an authentic Demon Lady, because it is more exposition; and yes, I know the focus of Jahy-Sama is the trials of our shrunk demon lady, but I think that if the episode one dedicated a bit more of time to Jahy in the former life, we could root for her even more.

The Devil is a Part-Timer! did that? Why not Jahy-sama?

Anyway. I am looking forward for the other nineteen episodes.


Art by Wakame Konbu

I think I already mentioned what I needed to say regarding the characters.

Jahy, despite acting like a brat some times, is actually a very likeable characters. I know it is only the first episode, that watching her so perseverate, so confident, yet so vulnerable, is wonderful, to the point of being cutesy.

My gosh! What’s wrong with me?

The other two characters, Tenchou (The Story Manager) and Ryou have simple, yet full-filling roles in the story, the former being the typical boss who is compassionate and works as a counselling voice of reason, with a waifu beauty, and Ryou is a tsundere that is there, trying to do her job as landlady, but caring about Jahy at the end.

And I will be stay tuned of how the other cast is going to unfold.


Jahy-sama (Or The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated!) is a very simple story, from the same premise of The Devil is a Part-Timer!, something that you will enjoy if you like to see some kind of isekai story told from the opposite perspective. It is actually a good time to binge a couple of hours, and you are looking for anything that is simple.

Like I said, we still need to see the other nineteen episodes, but, personally, I am convinced I will enjoy it, regardless this story’s originality.

In other words, I invite you to see by yourself and make your own opinion, as usual.

But… But…

My beauties… My preciouses…

That’s it!!!

I will summon my own dark-skinned, sexy demon.

Magna tenebris Dominus tenebris !!!
Quaeso, ut tibi placet, dona mihi animam meam, conscientia mea, et frons in hominibus, in Super FORUM. Da mihi fusco nigra demon curatum et fortis corpore et memorabile.

What did I got? My hot, dark-skinned demon?


JAINITUOS ANIME REVIEWS – Redo Of Healer – My Own Impressions

Redo of Healer

Genre: Dark Fantasy, Adventure

Studio: TNK

Hello my friends, Welcome to another entry of my blog.

Before I start, there is something I want to do. And it was to do with…

Usually, when I finish talking about an anime in an entry, I just let it go and head to the next one, but a few days ago, I checked this little wallpaper of Wonder Egg Priority…

The first time I saw this wallpaper of our beloved four protagonists, I thought it was one of the most beautiful I have ever seen; you see the great mixture of colours of Ai, Neiru, Rika and Momoe, as well as their facial expressions. Just check out Ai! She looks so cute! And that green beneath Neiru perfectly fits her personality. Without mentioning Rika and Momoe.

My respects to Cloverworks for giving us a fantastic animation, and to Shinji Nojima, for such a fascinating story.

Anyway… here, we can tell that the title says it all. But before I start, I must ask you the Questions:

Arte you guy ok? Feeling healthy?

If the answer is yes, then I am happy. And now… on the review.


Let’s talk about… one of the most well-know anime characters now. A hero of a fantasy world, with a very unconventional ability, that is ostracised by his kingdom, betrayed by the elder princess, humiliated and abused by his fellow heroes, forced to become a loner and gets a slave that fights on his name.

Of course I am talking about…

…the Healing Hero. Keyaru.

What? You thought I was referring to Naofumi, the Shield Hero?

Alright! Enough already! But keep those words in mind, because I am not done with the comparisons.

Based on the light novels written by Rui Tsukiyo and illustrated by Shiokonbu, Redo of Healer (or Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi: Sokushi Mahō to Sukiru Kopī no Chōetsu Hīru, – Kaiyari), tells the story of Keyaru, the Hero or Recovery, who was constantly physically and sexually abused by his fellow heroes, Princess Flare (The Magic Hero), Blade (The Sword Hero), and Bullet, the… Bullet Hero; mainly because he is consider the weakest of the adventurers. And now, after recovering the Philosopher’s Stone from the Demon Lord, Keyaru goes back in time, four years, to warn his previous self and cast his revenge toward all who destroyed him.

Redo of Healer was released from January and March, 2021, with a total of 12 episodes, with animation decently done by TNK (High School DxD, Kannazuki no Miko, and… School Days); and licensed by Sentai Filmworks. One interesting fact is that there are two versions of Redo of Healer, the censored one, broadcasted by Tokyo MX, SUN and KBS; and the uncensored one, broadcasted by AT-X.

And yes… the version that I saw was the censored one. And I think that is enough from Redo of Healer… at least for me. Because I have to admit that… I really didn’t want to watch this series, but the more I read news about it, the more I feel compelled to try Kaiyari.

Like the old motto from Walt Whitman says:

«Be curious, not judgmental.»


Now… here it comes the hardest part, because someone might get offended.

First, I will not say whether Redo of Healer is good or bad. I will leave that to every person. Instead I will highlight the elements that I consider good, as well as the ones that I consider weak, in both story and characters. And then give my conclusions. Just remember that this is just my personal opinion; if you like Redo of Healer, or if you hate it, that’s ok. you are welcome to choose either side.

Furthermore I will give my opinion in my own way, trying to being nuanced and as original as I can be. With my own personal voice. And I will contribute to the debate of Redo of Healer like that.

For now, three elements.

The first one is that this story resembles a hentai, Why is that? Because there is so many sexual and quasi-pornographic elements, including rape. I have seen so many hentai, especially fantasy, that are like that. No questions asked. And when I thought about this, I wonder…

How come Redo of Healer is not just one more hentai of the bunch?

I think it is because it has some more story than many other hentai. Just like…

Metamorphosis, by L. Shindo

Great! Now I won’t be able sleep tonight!

The second element is… the identity of the story. What do I mean by this? On one part, it’s world-building. Yes. We can simply say that Redo of Healer is a horrendous story because it has erotic elements, and for the way the series portrays sexual abuse, and that Rui Tsukiyo is a terrible writer. Nonetheless, I tell to those «haters» that the world from Redo of Healer has its own society, more brutal, harsher and more demanding to put it this way, that plays good for the sake of the story in a way, because we know something that makes it unique, and we know what our protagonists must deal with, just like…

The Rising of the Shield Hero and Goblin Slayer. And like this, the brutal side of that fantasy helps us to root for the main protagonist even more.

But… on the other hand, Redo of Healer has only 12 episodes. And those who know me might realised I am very suspicious of that kind of cour. There is a big risk to leave an incomplete story with a terrible ending, which I think happens by the end of episode 12. Also, Redo of Healer takes so many elements for The Rising of the Shield Hero.

The betrayed protagonist.

The treacherous princess.

The disloyal comrades on arms.

The demi-human slave that will do anything for her master

And the nasty kingdom – Jioral and Melromarc.

Now. I am not saying that Redo of Healer is plagiarising The Rising of the Shield Hero. That will be both ridiculous and shameless from me. No. I am simply pointing out the second element that, at the end, plays against the story of Redo of Healer – Again… Story and comparison from Rising of the Shield Hero.

Because, despite the controversy, Redo of Healer has so many elements that makes the world so identifiable, not fully generic; and the anime can bring «something» that allows Kaiyari to stand out, aside from the controversial factors. Furthermore, The Rising of the Shield Hero has a peculiar way of storytelling that includes character growth, character relationships and the plot, making a very complete story with so many rich mythology; it’s not a formulaic revenge story, something that Kaiyari is. And unlike The Rising of the Shield Hero, which, for me, has vibes of themes like Hope, Greed, Corruption, Betrayal and Consequences, I didn’t see anything like that in Redo of Healer.

Yes. The storytelling of Kaiyari is pretty generic. And that’s a shame, because the anime could take advantage of that, but either it couldn’t do it, or did NOT WANT TO.

So I wouldn’t be surprised that it will eventually be overshadowed by both Goblin Slayer and The Rising of the Shield Hero.

And the third element, has to do with the…


This is sadly another element thta was affected by both the series’ 12 episodes and the obsession with the controversy factor. The characters, by the time I actually seen most of the series, are pretty generic.

The villains (Flare, Bullet, Blade and Norn) have no backstory; no reason of why they are evil, how they became so powerful, and why they hate others. They are simply villain-of-the-week. Well, Blade is lesbian, and hates Keyaru for taking time of Flare from her, and Bullet is a pedophile who is in love of Keyaru. But that’s it. And even if Flare becomes a hated character at the level of Malty Melromarc, a.k.a. Bitch, the latter overshadows her.

Curiously, the only three characters that I found interesting were Keyaru, Setsuna, and Kureha Clyret.

Throughout the series, these two have some character development. At first, Kureha is loyal toward the enemies of Keyaru, but when she realises how corrupt they are, she goes A.W.O.L., and… Falls for the protagonist. While Setsuna also falls in love with Keyaru. And the reason of why I liked them both is because Kureha and Setsuna are, for me, the closest thing to a non-generic character despite being part of another harem.

Both contribute to the story.

Last, but not least, sometimes I think that Keyaru is an offspring of both Naofumi Iwatani and Light Yagami. Let me share this with you people…

Pappy dearest… LOL.


In my opinion, the anime of Redo of Healer was a wasted opportunity. Studio TNK could have done something like The Boys from Amazon Prime, but instead, it decided to play safe with an incorrect format and a very messy adaptation of its elements. I don’t think it will be forgotten, perhaps it will become a cult series, but the comparisons with more competent series like The Rising of Shield Hero and Goblin Slayer will be inevitable.

But, to its credit, it is better than practically 75% of the fantasy hentai you will find. But, unlike Deadman Wonderland, a reboot seems to be impossible at this point.

Again, read my words and don’t feel pressured to watch it. Just think it as another series of the bunch.

And there you go… Hope you like my entry. Have a great day. But me… no one can heal me now. Don’t worry. I will become stronger, and I have joined some of the most «armoured» heroes of them all.