JAINITUOS ANIME REVIEWS – Monster Girl Doctor – Episode One – First Impressions

Monster Girl Doctor

Studio: Arvo Animation

Genre: Fantasy

Hello guys. Welcome to another review.

Even though both Melbourne and Victoria are suffering a lot because of the COVID-19 second wave, I am working hard to bring you a new anime review. Just like right now, in which, to be honest… I thought it was a joke.


This is our beloved series now.

Monster Girl Doctor

And of course, before I start writing, I will go back to give a very deep message to the people of Victoria, Melbourne, New South Wales, and the rest of Australia

Mates. Do not lose hope, we will overcome this together. We have the advice of the doctors, health workers, aged care workers, general practitioners and scientists. They know what to do, and they are sharing the knowledge of COVID-19 to all of us. I know that staying at home all the time is tough, but remember… Being sick with a very unknown, destructive virus is even worse. Playing with COVID-19 is playing Russian Roulette. And think about your mothers, fathers, grandparents, relatives… everyone. Again… We will overcome this, and when we do, we will go back, stronger than before. Thank you.

Now, with that said, let’s go into Monster Girl Doctor.


Based on the light novels written by Yoshino Origuchi, and illustrated by Z-ton, Monster Girl Doctor (Monsutā Musume no Oisha-san for its Japanese literation), tells the story of Glenn Leitbelt, a young doctor that has a clinic in the big city of Lindworm; attending a big variety of monster girls, along with his very loyal lamia assistant, Saphentite, or «Sapphee» for short. Both were students from Dr. Cthulty, a Scyllia doctor who is one of the most respected in the kingdom.

As of July 15th, Monster Girl Doctor consists in seven volumes, first one published in June 24, 2016. and published by Shueisha, and Seven Seas Entertainment in English-speaking countries.

Now, as of today, again, I have no information about how many episodes this season will have, but I am assuming that it will be either 12 or 13 episodes, and perhaps it will be renewed for a second season, depending on the interest. One small, nice trivia is that the seiyuu of Sapphee is none other than Saori Onishi, who has voiced very popular anime characters before.

Other thing that I must clarify is that Monster Girl Doctor has only released Episode 1, and Episode 2 will be released in July 19th. So. what I will do is talk about Episode one, and then focus on the characters.

So let’s get into it.


Now, I want to start making a small confession. Five years ago, I saw this little gem.

And… I cannot say I had the best impression of it. I mean… a normal human with a harem full of… spider-girls, lamias, harpies… and a slime? I was like…

And then, when I saw the videos from Crunchyroll about Monster Girl Doctor, I thought it was some previews of any OVA from Monster Musume. But no. I went into Crunchyroll, and I saw a new series on its catalog, about a young doctor in a fantasy, that treats monster girls.

Nice proposal.

For 100 years, humans and beasts have waged into a very brutal war, which provoked very heavy losses for both sides. But then, they decided that the war no longer made sense, and decided to live together in harmony. During this peace, which has become stronger, many doctors that attend humans and monsters equally appeared in the kingdom. That is the origin of this new profession of both Glenn and Sapphee.

And now, Dr. Cthulthy contacted them to do physicals to some fighters, including to a young centaur girl, called Tisalia Scythia, one of the toughest of the kingdom. She seems to be healthy despite her recent losing streak.

Will Glenn and Scythia be able to help Tisalia?

On her glimpse, we have a background of this world; simple, yet definite; a world in which monsters and humans live in peace. Yeah! I know it is a common troupe of fantasy genre, especially anime, but you quickly notices that the focus of the hero, rather than sword and shield, or sorcery for that matter, is something as mundane as being a doctor. And if you are a fan of anime like Black Jack, or Western series like House M.D., you will realise that doctors must also become detectives.

In fact, medical stories and detective fiction have more in common than you can imagine. Both genres include a mystery, both genres have very smart and meticulous protagonist (Case in point, Sherlock Holmes and Gregory House). Furthermore, while doctors can have some fighting skills (Or if these are like House)… I think, for the most part, they most rely on their wits, willpower and encyclopaedic knowledge to solve the case and treat the patient.

In other words, we are forcing to face a clear disadvantage and, creatively, turning it into an advantage through hard work and trial and error. Personally I like this type of heroes even more, because, from my viewpoint, it is easier to relate to them rather than overpowered heroes like Kirito, Naruto, Rey, Korosensei or Tatsuya Shiba.

Moreover, the way we get hooked by the world of Monster Girl Doctor through the story of each episode feels so natural you don’t even realise it by the time you know a lot of what is going. I know it is just the first episode, but I got that feeling straight away.

Finally, the animation is pretty nice. After all, it is from the same studio as…

So you can definitely expect something really cool in terms of animation


At this point, I don’t think there is anything new for me to say about the characters, except that I enjoyed seeing them together, especially Sapphee and Glenn, which really make very likeable protagonists.

Every second of them together was a delight, and their design was something I really liked indeed. And, because of them, a part of me is really impatient to see Episode 2. The reason being is that, through our protagonists, and the pacing of how this new world is introduced, I am really curious about what is going to happen next.

Simple as that.

And look at the bright. At least none of this characters look like this…

Dude… Seriously!!!


To sum up, I really enjoy Monster Girl Doctor, probably not the best series of this summer (Or winter for Australia), 2020, but it is a series worth checking out, even if it is just for morbid curiosity. So, when you have the time, take a look, and see it by yourself.

Now. If you excuse, I am giving myself a bad movie marathon. Last Sunday, I watch The Last Airbender (For real), now, I am off to watch Artemis Fowl… and Cats.

JAINITUOS FILM REVIEWS – 1917 (One of the best movies of 2019)

Hey my friends.

Welcome to another film review.

And today, I am going to take my time to review a movie that, definitely, is one of the best movies of 2019 by far.

Well… the title says it all.




But before I continue with the review. I must ask you guys… The Question.

«Are you guys ok?» «Are you having a good time?»

If you are happy, I am happy.

Now, let’s go on to the review.


As I said, 1917 is directed by Sam Mendes, and tells the the story of two British soldiers during World War I; Lance Corporal William Schofield, played by George MacKay, and fellow Lance Corporal Thomas Blake, played by Dean-Charles Chapman, who must send a message to call off a planned attack to the German Army, which will result in the massacre of 600 soldiers due to a carefully strategic ambush beneath Hindenburg Line. Furthermore, the life of Blake’s brother, Lieutenant Joseph Blake, is also at stake. so the two soldiers must embark in a very dangerous mission through enemy fronts.

Before I continue, there are two facts that I must mention about 1917; the first one is that Mendes himself based the story on the experiences of his paternal grandfather, Alfred Mendes, who fought in the Belgian Front during two years.

The second fact is, and this is the one of the many that makes 1917 so outstanding, that the story is a whole «one continuous shot». What does this mean? Well, needless to say, that the movie looks like the camera is always recording, no cuts, no second takes. Nothing.

The only movie I have seen using this technique, so far, was a really realistic Colombian film, in all its crudeness.


One of the most mind-blowing films I have ever seen.

However, 1917 was filmed between April and June 2019, at the United Kingdom; so editor Lee Smith and one of my favourite cinematographers, Roger Deakins, put their greatest abilities in action to make 1917 feel like one single shot. And that is what makes the feeling of the movie so real, even in the slightest detail; not forgetting the relentlessly accurate portrayal of World War I, of course. Because of this, from the very beginning, you feel that every single event of 1917 really happened, like a documentary with the essence of a feature film.

Brought by the almost flawless directing of Sam Mendes. In fact, when I saw 1917 in the cinema, I immediately understood why is taking every single major association award for Best Director. Honestly, I have never seen a movie transmitting this  sensation with such a terrible theme as war, it makes it more intense, epic and impactful to the audience; furthermore, I believe that 1917 was better directed than Joker. Now!! I still believe Joker is a great movie, and Todd Phillips did a really good job; but in terms of directing, 1917 gets to the audience quicker, and in probably the smartest way possible.

Of course, we have this delightful cast, that I will get to that later.

Nowadays, the best war (and anti-war) movies are required to be as accurate and human in terms of the political background as possible, and saying that we have a bunch of examples will be an understatement. However I will mention a few, Platoon, Apocalypse Now, Saving Private Ryan, Full Metal Jacket, Black Hawk Down and Grave of the Fireflies. And definitely 1917 is no exception. Once more, the amazing job done by Sam Mendes, and the performances of George MacKay and Dean-Charles Chapman is what makes the setting all more convincing, as well as tragic, thanks to the script written by Mendes and Krysty Wilson-Cairns.

Overall, the story of 1917 cannot be any better. In my personal opinion, one of the best movies, not just of 2019, or from Sam Mendes, but also one of the best movies I have ever seen.

Now. regarding the cast, aside from MacKay and Chapman, we have very renowned actors like Colin Firth, Andrew Scott, Richard Madden, Mark Strong, and of course, Benedict Cumberbatch, who, despite appearing so little, leave an amazing impression on the whole movie, including Strong, who, personally, I am used to see him as a villain (Case in point… Green Lantern)

«Please, don’t hate me for mentioning that trash. You too Ryan.»

KICK-ASS… There you go!!!

And I can assure you that the CUMBERBUTCHS (Myself included), will enjoy his appearance in this movie. To the point of being one of his best performances. (In fact, when I think about Cumberbatch and 1917, the performance of Judi Dench from Shakespeare in Love comes to my mind).


In conclusion, 1917 is definitely one of the best movies of 2019 for more reasons that people might think. It is an unique experience, and it is evident that everyone, both the cast and crew, put all its love and dedication, heart and soul, not just to make an outstanding masterpiece, but also to pay tribute to those brave men that fought in the worst conflict of human history until Second World War.

I heard many people claiming 2019 as a really terrible year for cinema. I beg to differ. At least we got two wonderful jewels.

Joker… and 1917. 

(And of course… Avengers: Endgame)

Now. before I finish, I want to make a final warning about the movie… Pseudo-spoiler to say the least. FROM this point, you can keep reading, it’s up to you my friends.

And that is… the ending.