
Studio Madhouse

Genre: Space Western, Comedy, Drama

Hello my friends, Welcome to another entry of my blog.

First and foremost,… Congratulations Argentina – FIFA World Champion 2022.

They indeed deserve their victory, and our Argentine brothers really need this historical moment. Thank you so much for this, guys, thanks a lot for that… Messi

I feel so happy, to the point that I want to extend this happiness to all of you my friends, talking about one of my favourite anime, and for those who read my review of Outlaw Star, I think we all know which one am I talking about.

I mean… Trigun.

But before I start, I must ask you my friends the typical question:

Are you guys ok? Feeling healthy?

If the answer is yes then I am happy. And if you wanted for Argentina to become champions in Qatar, then I am euphoric.

Now, wish me good luck to get the 60 billion double-dollar man in Trigun.


Based on the manga written and illustrated by Yasuhiro Nightow, creator of Gungrave and Blood Blockade Battlefront, Trigun gets us to the planet Gunsmoke, a place completely full of desert and a relentless sun every day, and cold nights. In this planet, there is a living legend, about a man who causes death, destruction, and madness wherever he goes, no one is safe, not the women, not the children, not the elderly, no one. Everything that crosses in his path… apparently dies.

That man is called… Vash the Stampede.

There is a reward of 60 billion double-dollar for his head. Furthermore, he is also called… The Humanoid Typhoon. Rumours and stories like these has been displacing and spreading around the planet Gunsmoke, which is why the Bernardelli Insurance Society sends two of its employees, Meryl Stryfe and Milly Thompson, to look after the damage supposedly caused by Vash the Stampede. Once they meet him, they both realise that Vash the Stampede is not what he looks like, because despite his reputation and superhuman abilities, he often displays a goofy attitude and a pacifist perspective toward life, refusing to kill his enemies.

Now, Vash, Meryl and Milly go around many locations of the planet Gunsmoke, meeting new people and discover the truth beneath the reputation of Vash the Stampede and an accident, in which a city was destroyed because of Vash, many years ago.

Yasuhiro Nightow started publishing Trigun from April 1995, first through Tokuma Shoten, until January 1997. But then, Nightow continued its publication in the Shonen Gahosha magazine, under the title of Trigun Maximum, from October 1997 to March 2007, bringing it a total of almost 19 volumes, with both magazines. Due to the success and popularity of the manga, Studio Madhouse produced a total of 26 episodes, which were broadcasted between April 1 to September 30, 1998.

Again… 1998. The year of the two beautiful Space Western anime that I love and cherish.

Outlaw Star & Cowboy Bebop

Moreover, the anime was written by Yosuke Kuroda, known for Excel Saga, Jormungand, Gungrave, and a personal favourite…

Sword Art Online: Alternative Gun Gale Online.

In addition, Trigun was produced by Shigeru Kitayama (Noir, Trigun: Badlands), and its perfect score was composed by Tsuneo Imahori (Wolf’s Rain), the latter being a member of The Seatbelts, the same band as Yoko Kanno, from… We all know.

With these fantastic, talented artists in charge… What can possibly go wrong?

For my viewpoint… Freaking nothing!!


Ok! Where to start?

Trigun is a fantastic mixture of drama, comedy, adventure, and the spirit of the Old West I almost grew up during the childhood, brought by the spaghetti westerns created by Sergio Leone…. Almost. Before I continue let me share with you a little anecdote.

It was 2006, and I was watching Cartoon Network – Latin America of course, and I remember finishing an episode of that anime, whose animation remember me a lot of Rurouni Kenshin, called Sakura Wars – I was knocked, and I enjoyed in a way, but then, shortly afterwards, I watched one anime that… reminded me of a very hilarious AMV, I think I got the link here…


I really love that video.

Okay. On that time, I already got the spirit of Cowboy Bebop so ingrained that I thought perhaps nothing will ever surpass it, until I watched Samurai Champloo, but that’s another story, for another moment. I also watched this anime called… Trigun, I was 100% curious about who that blonde guy was? He looked like a nice guy, and then… Wow!!! He was extremely different from Spike, Jet, Faye, Ein and Ed – Goofy, clumsy, and extremely idiotic… And I love him. He was so full of energy and passion, I wanted to see more. Something different from the gloominess and existentialism of Cowboy Bebop. It was wonderful.

From there, I binge every episode of Trigun. Until the middle of the series, where the darker, most serious episodes take place, the part in which we know more about Vash the Stampede, and why he became so infamous. Those episodes almost shred me to tears, because again… I thought things will not end up well. Yet, I stayed until the end, despite the fear of being as depressed as I was with Cowboy Bebop. Those who watched the latter, will definitely know why?

Luckily, there is some happiness… some fantastic lessons almost at the end. And that was enough for me to consider Trigun, along with its animation, storytelling, and characters, one of the greatest anime of history, and one of the few that can actually… REALLY ACTUALLY… be as amazing as Cowboy Bebop, along with Outlaw Star.

That feeling of adventure, of uncertainty, of calm before the storm, of the relentless atmosphere of the cowboys, and at the same time, that beauty, that folklore, that sci-fi world that gets you for its thoughtfulness and vastness – all of these elements that make the world of Cowboy Bebop so immersive are indeed present in Trigun, but the latter does not copy the former. No. It gets better and more powerful despite being a little being simpler than with Cowboy Bebop or Outlaw Star. Yet, I am not making justice to this great feeling that I felt with the animation, the atmosphere, and the beauty of Trigun. In fact, I think it is something that you must experience by yourself, because trust me…

Very few western anime are able to get this sensations in a perfect fashion. I don’t think you will find something more intense, yet fascinating, and that is why I cherish Trigun the way I do.

Also, I must confess that I enjoy Trigun a little bit more than Cowboy Bebop, for a simple reason – Hope. It teaches you the meaning of hope; with every episode, you know there is hope, with every action of Vash, Meryl and Milly, there is a lesson to be learn, and also… comedy to enjoy.

For me, every episode is better than the previous one. Man!! This is not just an entry, it is a love letter to Trigun. I love westerns, the more action-packed, the better; the more creative, the better, and definitely Trigun is one of my most beloved ones.

Also, for me, the original score of Trigun is as memorable as the one of Cowboy Bebop. Why am I surprised? After all, their composers were in The Seatbelts. And the ending… Wow!!! Simply wow!!!

Anyway, I can keep talking and talking about how great Trigun is. First with some good comedy and adventure in the beginning, and then with thoughtful drama and tension, with the great balance and beauty as Cowboy Bebop and Outlaw Star.

Apologies for the constant comparisons, but I can’t avoid it. Just remember, watch Trigun and believe it.


Like I said, all the characters are great. Vash the Stampede is like Kenshin Himura, a laid-back, kind, friendly main character that hides great abilities and a very force to be reckoned with. Kenshin is always one of my favourite characters, and now Vash can compete with him in every aspect.

But… his design is incredible, and I apologise for those who are expecting Trigun Maximum in 2023, but…

This new design does not convince a lot.

Meryl is an excellent female counterpart for Vash, and even though Milly acts as a klutz, she is actually a very profound character, in fact, Milly is definitely the voice of reason for both Vash and Meryl. I have to admit that, aside from Vash, Milly was always my favourite character because the way she is, sometimes when she does something that we could consider stupid, then we see a moment of brilliance and poignancy. It is just wonderful.

And Millions Knives himself.

With that smile, he is definitely a charismatic, scary guy. Trust me, every time I saw Knives, Legato, or any of the Gung-ho Guns… Terrifying.

But…. The best is definitely Nicholas D. Wolfwood, the priest with the great gun, who is a very effective foil for Vash, at least in my personal opinion. Cool, wise, compassionate, but, at the same time, complex. I love him.

Someone said that a hero is as good as his/her villains, well… I say… for Trigun, a male protagonist is as good as its foil, and that is Nicholas D. Wolfwood.


There you go… My honest, everlasting thoughts about Trigun. One of the most perfect, sweet, cool, entertaining, wonderful, enjoyable, and well-balanced masterpieces of anime of all time.

Nothing else to say.

I know this conclusion is really short, but I hope it’s enough to share the honesty for the masterpiece that is Trigun.

Till next time…

See you again, Space Cowboy.

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