Hello my friends. Welcome to another post on my blog.

And now, I bring you another review of this beautiful anime that is on everyone’s lips, this beautiful anime called… CHAINSAW MAN.

And I finally got to watch Episode VI, and after doing so, I can only realize one thing… Chainsaw Man is getting better and better, and the more I see, or remember the story as the case may be, the more I admire Tatsuki Fujimoto. I already want to read Fire Punch and Goodbye , Eri , but until then, I’m going to start by giving my opinion on this fantastic episode, which I think is one of the best, and also one of the most intense of the series, although I’ll be advancing that perhaps not everyone is happy with some points in the story, I just hope to be as eloquent as possible to avoid that, in the very long, long term, they end up canceling me.

I don’t know why I decided to mention it, but I still do it just in case. Having said this, I ask you the usual question.

Are you guys ok? Feeling healthy?

If the answer is yes, then I’m happy.

Now, we are going to play with the chainsaws, with this Episode VI.


As we saw at the end of the previous episode, Arai went downstairs, confirming that regardless of whether they go up or down, Aki , Denji , Himeno , Power , Kobeni , and Arai are locked in the eighth floor. Despite this, Himeno makes Kobeni make her iconic image of the Peace symbol in both hands while all her terror is evident on her face, before going downstairs.

And after a very funny moment from Kobeni , Aki tells Himeno what we all already knew, that this is the power of the damn demon. And once again, Aki looks divine in this image. Shortly after, both Aki and Denji discover, after entering the alcoves and «going out», or «entering» through the window, depending on your point of view, they will appear in the room on the other side. Without a doubt, Denji can explain it better.

At that, they meet in a room to analyze the situation, and all I can say is…

“What the hell is Denji doing lying on the bed? It’s not like they were on vacation»

They can’t even get out through the roof, because that will only get them to the same floor. Still, we get a comedic moment from our favorite duo , as Denji suggests that Power is to blame for killing the demon from earlier. So Power does what he does best… Lie and blame Denji .

Shebus! The faces they make are to kill me with laughter, but don’t worry, these two are going to entertain us much more.

Oh! By the way, I have my opinion about Kobeni and his actions, but more on that later.

And no. It seems that the Demon of Guns has nothing to do with it, even so, thanks for the grotesque image that that bullet with veins, which… since I have a dirty imagination, I will say that it looks like a micro-penis, more phallic than I should mention . And again, Denji and Power have very funny faces.

What is not so funny is what comes next, because we have a Kobeni moment that breaks my heart, and that is that Arai tells us that she wants to send her brother to university, that’s why I accept the Devil Hunter job, Because, I don’t think I mentioned it before, but they pay very well.

I wish I could apply for that job, I wouldn’t mind the risks. The fact is that Kobeni says that she was forced to work in this profession by her parents, and it was that, or be a prostitute.

And it is worth knowing that Kobeni ‘s relationship was disastrous, but… Oh my gosh! Poor girl! When the world of Chainsaw Man takes a swipe at someone, they do it in a big way. And if not, ask Denji .

(laughs) And by the way… What the hell is wrong with Power ? What else… What’s wrong with me? Power laughs at Kobeni ‘s expression , and I laughed too because I know Power is Power . Didn’t I tell you that you would regal us with more of your nonsense?

This reminds me of the Futurama episode, where Bender has an affair with the Planet Express Ship (It sounds dirtier when I say it), and when Leela complains to the latter for cutting her off when she got bored of her, he only laughs louder.

Then Himeno reminds Kobeni that demons like the fear of humans. And… to be honest, I am very touched that Himeno comforts Kobeni like this.

Although I am also aware that many will think that I should not be so soft on Kobeni . Anyway!

But soon Aki reminds us that the situation is much worse than we thought, because all the clocks are stopped at 8:18. And do you know what that means? That the devil, whoever he is, has cut them off from the outside world, so no one will come to their rescue. They only have two options – either kill the demon, or starve to death.

But according to… Who needs food when you have rich beds?

(laughter) I confess that I repeated this fragment many times, because I couldn’t stop laughing. A demon has trapped them and Denji only thinks about sleeping (laughs). And since we know that Denji is Denji , that makes it funnier, he just needed to say.

«Hey, mister demon, eat me tomorrow, I’ll take a little sleep right now.»

Because if! (laughter) Denji falls asleep, much to everyone’s surprise, and to my delight.

Although I’m surprised Aki didn’t try to wake him up, and just give us that amused expression.

After sleeping for who knows how many hours, Himeno wakes up Denji , and I have to say that his expression is very beautiful.

Calm down Jamie! Think about Yor , think about Yor . Very late! Now Himeno took over my thoughts. Once Denji wakes up, Himeno updates him on what’s going on, they found some food, that Aki is looking for the demon, that Kobeni lost her mind and Himeno had to knock her out, and Arai panicked and isolated himself in the room. .

Oh! I do not know what to think! So much bravado at the beginning of the mission and now it falls apart in a rough way. I already hate this character.

But hey… there’s only one question left… What happened to Power ? Well…

(laughter) (crazy laughter)

Let’s review what I just saw. Power says that she wants to win the Nobel Prize, and that with that, humans will respect her, and thanks to the Nobel, she will become prime minister… or rather dictator, and she will freeze us at 100% VAT. (Or GST depending on the country you are living in. (laughter)

Wow ! _ Really when I see that Power couldn’t get any funnier, I always exceeded my own expectations, and if it wasn’t for Power we’re talking about , I’d say he lost his mind.

Although, if I’m to be honest… I can’t imagine the category in which she would win the Nobel Prize. The most I can think of is in Physiology and Medicine, if she can use her blood to create a panacea, but… No! I don’t think Power has that intention. Or how about Literature? I already imagine his poetry.

“Humans… Rogues… I hate you so much,

It’s true that I hate them, but I realize

that I don’t like them. Humans… pathetic

I dream of making them suffer, but also… I dream

By giving them all kinds of pain. I am Power

Stronger than a Router .”

Or how about the Nobel Prize in Rap?

«My name is Power , blood is my strength

And I’ll break your arm until it’s a wrench

I want to kill bad demons

While I break your melons»

Although I think his government plan is better than almost 96% of today’s politicians.

Vote Power! Gimme your power, for I am Power!

Okay. Enough fooling around!

Hours go by and after a while, Denji finds out that Himeno smokes the same brand as Aki , and the reason is very simple – she was the one who introduced him to the rich taste of nicotine. And immediately we are transported to the past, shortly after Kishiba paired Aki and Himeno . It is seen that the poor man is still very traumatized by the death of his family, although Himeno advises him to relax a bit, especially since she knew beforehand that Aki wants to kill the Gun Devil.

But she doesn’t care, because she knows that Devil Hunters don’t usually live long, so… Why smoke a cigarette ?

And the way that Mariya Ise interpreted that line makes it sound very deep, even though it’s very basic dialogue.

But just when I thought the life of Devil Hunters couldn’t get any more depressing, thanks to Himeno , we learn from the part of the relatives. It turns out that the girlfriend of a former classmate of hers hit him in the face, and according to Himeno , the relatives cannot take revenge on the demons, so they take it out on her.

Naturally Aki witnesses everything. And what does it do? He sticks a piece of gum to the woman’s clothes, saying that he is furious and that he deserved it.

And what a beautiful smile that Himeno gave us !

Shortly after the two go to eat, and again, we have a fantastic reference to Kishibe .

In the end, Aki and Himeno improve their relationship, and she gives him a cigarette. We flash back to the present, and Aki asks Himeno to share her cigarette.

And that reaction from Denji !

But there’s a problem. The demon that Power killed is alive and got bigger.

And I couldn’t help but wonder… Aki … You couldn’t say that right away? Did you have to wait to smoke a cigarette? oh! Does not matter! But as if things couldn’t be more indigestible, this… thing makes an offer to the Devil Hunters, that it will let them escape in exchange for it being able to eat Denji . Then Kobeni comes out to say.

«Never. I won’t let you eat Denji . I fell in love with him, I love him, I’m going to have his baby, buy a house and start a family with him.»

Nope! It’s a joke! Two pictures are worth a thousand words.

But as expected, the other Devil Hunters neutralize Kobeni , and I don’t know what else repulses me the most .

Kobeni ‘s actions or the Devil himself. But no, I won’t say what I think yet, I’ll wait a little longer. Aki tries to call the Fox Demon to kill the spawn, but it’s not possible because they are isolated, so we go to one of the best moments of the episode, Himeno calls the Ghost Devil and gives the spawn a good beating, and I have to say that seeing him suffer was very satisfying.

But then it doesn’t do much good, as he gets bigger, revealing that his real body isn’t on the eighth floor.

And after insisting on the contract, Denji doubts his words, but Himeno reveals that, when making a contract with a demon, both parties must fulfill it, since, if not, the punishment is death, so it is possible. Get away with Denji ‘s death .

I’m not suggesting it! Not like Arai ! Excellent! So much macho and now he turns out to be a traitor. And… The way you say it makes me think you’re suggesting lying to Makima and Public Security about what happened. Really! I hate this character already!

Luckily Power is here to kill me with laughter, insisting on the Nobel Prize,

but hey, it won’t work, because the Fiends can’t make contracts with Demons, according to Aki , luckily Power doesn’t care, that… or he’s very little attention.

Time passes, and Aki suggests using her sword, which Himeno , for some reason, disapproves of. And well… I want to think that he was joking when he suggested Denji ‘s death . But calm down! There’s more room for Power nonsense ! Because Arai finds out that Power ate the food I mentioned earlier, and she again blames it on Denji , when it’s obvious that she did.

Really. I don’t know what to think, so I’ll say it. Power …never change.

Kobeni returns , and I say unfortunately, because now he is complicating everything. First, he blames Power for what is happening, and then accuses Arai of being a spy , which Power takes advantage of to say mischief.

But, seriously. Don’t f*ck me girl! Don’t f*ck me! Anxiety caused by fear, worries and uncertainty is one thing… And delusions are another thing! Anyway, thanks to the fear of these two, the Demon increased its size again, forcing Aki , Denji and Himeno to run for their lives, and finally the identity of this monstrosity is revealed to us.

Ladies and gentlemen! Before you… The Eternity Devil.

(sigh) And after being tortured by Kobeni and Arai ‘s pleas to kill Denji , Aki prepares to use her sword, but again, Himeno won’t let her. It is more than evident that something terrible will happen if Aki uses her sword, and it is, because, according to Himeno , Aki will see her life shortened if she uses her sword, I see that she wants him to have a long life.

But that doesn’t stop Aki … from being stabbed by Kobeni when she tried to kill Denji . And all I can say is that the sequence is very painful, not just that image, and I’ll explain why.

First, seeing Himeno ‘s horrified face reflected in Aki ‘s blood breaks my heart…

…second, because Aki reveals that, despite hating Denji , he wants him alive because they are both seeking the same thing – the death of the Gun Demon. , that Aki feels powerless against such an enemy, therefore, he needs Denji . Nope! It’s up to Denji ! And it is more than obvious that, with his words, he is letting go of the pain of losing his family. But that’s not the only thing, Himeno seems to relive, through the Devil Hunters’ cemetery, her own traumas, falling into despair.

And this made me understand that maybe, maybe, Himeno suffers from PTSD.

The fact is that, after hearing Kobeni ‘s filthy whining , Denji agrees to be swallowed by the Demon of Eternity, so he turns into a chainsaw and throws himself into the monster’s mouth, but not before reminding Himeno of the tongue kiss . which he will give if Denji comes back alive.

And with this great image of Denji , the chapter ends.


uff !!! I finished. Finally I finished! I think it’s one of the longest entries I’ve done in my life. But yes, as I already said, he had a lot to say. Once again… What a great episode! It has it all, gore, comedy, drama, writing, characters, and guts, everything you’d expect from Chainsaw Man . I already want to see Episode VII.

Again, Aki , great character that she is, manages to give us more fantastic moments, stronger than before; Denji and Power steal the show with their nonsense, it’s going to be hard to forget them, and thanks to this episode, I love Himeno more , but I can’t say the same about Arai – the character is disgusting! If in the previous chapter he seemed unbearable, here I want to see him dead. He gives them the macho, but ends up being a pushover. I’m not promising my impression of him will improve, however, I’ll try to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Oh, Kobeni ! I have mixed feelings, because, on the one hand, I sympathize with her very f* cked -up background , and I understand that she’s traumatized, but seriously, trying to use her head a little. Can you really trust that demon? And that accusing your partner of being a spy was ridiculous. I repeat, I don’t care what happens to Arai , but from the way Kobeni reacted at that moment, it makes me think that he did it more out of malice than anything else.

And finally, the ending – Dainō-tekina Rendezvous» (大脳的なランデブー) by Kanaria , is good, but i think i will remember plus for the visual than for the music . Tell me your what they think

Anyway, here is my entry, I hope you liked it, and see you next time… See you later!

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