Hello my friends.

Welcome to another entry of my blog.

Like I said the other day, I am ready to publish all the entries that I wanted to write for months. My top waifus of 2021. Thanks for those who read my Part I, and as I mentioned before, 2021 was a bigger year regarding female characters than in 2020, so that means I still have a lot of waifu that catch my heart.

Now, according to Wikipedia, waifu means A fictional character from non-live-action visual media (typically an anime, manga or video game) to whom one is attracted or whom one considers their ideal significant other.[

I put this definition because I want to make sure that I am following correctly the definition of Waifu, because to me, I consider attractive a female character enough to be a Waifu through four simple elements.

  1. Her appearance
  2. Her personality
  3. Her actions
  4. Her contributions to the story

I know that including the definition of waifu is unnecessary, but I wanted to clarify that; now, let’s move on. This is My Top Waifu of 2021 – Part II

But first, I have a honorable mention that if I do not mention, I will explode, and that is…


Her character bio is pretty straight-forward. A young, powerful astrologist that takes up the residence in Monstadt, with exceptional water magic skills, but that is pretty modest regarding money due to her pride, for Mona refuses to use astrology for income.

I know there are a lot of powerful characters in Genshin Impact, and… I have never played the game itself.

But I have two very good reasons to mention her. The first one…


Yes. I already said that. No regrets.

But also… her Japanese voice. Because I know that she is voiced by Konomi Kohara, and that is what left an impact on me. I am… a bit crazy about Mona Megistus because of that, more than with Fischl, or Klee, or Lumine herself, or even Paimon. I never expected that. But that was enough to hook me in.

But like i said, I never played Genshin Impact, so I do not know more about Mona, aside from what just wrote, and that is why she is merely an honorable… Big honorable mention.

Now… let’s go with the true waifus. Speaking of Konomi Kohara.


When our main protagonist, Rudeus Greyrat, shows great prodigy with magic, his parents, Zenith and Paul, hire a tutor for him, and that is Roxy Migurdia, a young water magician from the Migurd race that likes to travel around the world. She spends almost two years training Rudy, and both create a close friendship, and a true love for the Greyrat family.

Humm. Water, and Konomi Kohara…

Okay. That’s the last time I am mentioning Mona Megistus.

In other words. Rudy is what he is, a powerful magician, thanks to Roxy. Honestly Roxy displays a great amount of wisdom, compassion and curiosity that makes her so special, along with her character design. And the fantastic job of Konomi Kohara gives more life to her, combining innocence and maturity beyond her years. No wonder she is one of the most popular characters from Mushoku Tensei.

But what makes Roxy so compelling is her sad backstory, the same one that the anime adapted extremely well. I am not going to spoilers, but trust me, the more you see the anime, the more you realise how charming Roxy is, and that is why she is one of my Top Waifu of 2021.

Speaking of witches…


Technically, I should not be mentioning The Journey of Elaina, for it was released in 2020, but since I started watch the anime the previous year, I am making an exception.

Anyway, Saya is a witch apprentice from a Far Land of the East. Separated from her sister, she meets Elaina on episode 2, begging the latter to train her so she can pass the magic exam. After that, we discover that Saya lied to Elaina, forcing the Ashen Witch to stay together due to her loneliness; and after some wake-up call, Elaina gives Saya her spare hat, her friendship, and the confidence to pass the exam and become a witch.

The reason why I am choosing Saya over Elaina is because I relate more with her than with the Ashen Witch, because I understand the fear of failure, and the anxiety of having to do things by yourself most of the time. Of course that does not justify most of her acts on Episode 2, but Saya is not a bad person. In fact, is one of the most human characters of Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina, something that is a lot to say.

And in every episode, you see Saya’s evolution as a witch, so you feel happy for her. And… despite her awful obsession with Elaina, Saya is possibly the best character of the series, even better than Elaina and Amnesia, at least from my perspective.

So heed my words, Jougi Shiraishi-sensei… Please do a spin-off with Saya.

3. Kang Sae-byeok, a.k.a. Player 067 (Squid Game)

Kang Sae-byeok, played by HoYeon Jung, is a North Korean defector that made it to South Korea with her little brother, Kang Cheol, but her true problems only started when she arrived to Seoul, because her brother has to stay in an orphanage, her mother is still in North Korea, and the broker that she hired for getting her out betrayed her. So she participates in the Squid Game for getting a house and protect her family.

Okay. Another character we can sympathise with, because she reflects every tragedy that North Korean defectors have to go through when escaping their country, but also, most of us learnt through Kang Sae-byeok that many defectors never are accepted in South Korea. And the performance of HoYeon Jung is outstanding, to the point that you believe that Kang Sae-byeok really exists, even though she does not.

Furthermore, her relationship with the main protagonist, Seong Gi-hun, has a lot of development through the first season, from a violent girl that trust no one to someone that values friendship and understand she is not alone.

Han Mi-nyeo is also a great character, but for now, I choose Kang Sae-byeok for what she is – strong, meticulous, intelligent, perhaps a bit brash, for all that, along with how well-written she is, we have one of the best characters of all of Squid Game.

4. Jeanne (The Case Study of Vanitas)

The Hellfire Witch is a very capable fighter that had to annihilate other vampires during the Hundred Years War. Some time after the war ended, she became the bodyguard of Lucius Oriflamme, the nephew of the Chevalier of Ruthven, but after some encounters with our favourite vampire, Vanitas, she is very conflicted between killing him and loving him. Because yes…

She feels easily aroused by Vanitas’ blood.

I still need to talk about Vanitas no Carte, but I will when the time comes. Nevertheless, if there is one character that really hooked my heart, more than Vanitas himself, that is Jeanne. Because beneath her badass persona and her relentless strength, we see a sweet soul with a very tragic past that feel in love with him; and every time they are together, her chemistry is simply one of the best elements in all the story. Jeanne is strong, but also beautiful, conflicted and loyal, and for me, the moments together with Vanitas were a big surprise.

Seriously… Get married and be bloodily ever after

For me, if Jeanne made me root for VaniJeanne rather than Vanoé, she has something really special.


How can I forget of U-1196?

She is a Neutrophil cell that has to fight violent germs, viruses and bacterias in a really unhealthy body that drinks and smokes, and in every fight, she puts all her strength and soul to defend the body, earning the respect and trust of her fellow Neutrophil Cells and of the Red Blood Cell known as AA2153.

She indeed is a really attractive, reliable partner. I think my description and her design was more than enough to prove that she is my waifu, in fact, she can easily surpass AE3803 as the best female character of Cells at Work! (But not the platelets), at least in my opinion.

And her uniform adds a lot of appeal, indeed.

Already I said it. No regrets.

And the reason is because she knows how to balance her badass size with her human size with both her Neutrophil sisters and with AA2153, the scenes with both of them is among the best among Code Black!!!, and with the path of the anime, you grow to know her and love her with her scenes.

Excellent balance between beauty, humanity and strength. I feel Cured because of her.


Wow!!! More wonderful waifu from the last 2021.

And yet, I still have to do the Part III, because I enjoyed a lot watching these beautiful female characters. Probably this is only my opinion, but I am surprised of how many great, or at least, decent characters that can become waifu. Or perhaps it is because I am not too demanding.

Anyway. Tell me what you think about Part II, I hope you guys like it. And stay tuned for Part III.

See you soon!

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