JAINITUOS ANIME REVIEWS – Dorohedoro (Sweet Amazing Craziness)

Hey Guys. This is Jaime again.

And welcome to another sweet anime review.

Today, I am bringing you what could be one of the greatest surprises in anime of 2020.

I am talking about…



One anime that helped me recover from this…


But before I continue, my friends, I must ask you… The Question.

Are you happy today? Having an amazing time? 

If the answer is yes, then I am happy.

Now, let’s go to the review.



Based on the manga written and illustrated by Q Hayashida, Dorohedoro tells the story of Caiman, a man with the head of a lizard and no memories of his previous life, who is trying to find his identity back, as well as the person responsible for what he has become. On his quest, he has his best friend, Nikaido, the owner of a really decent restaurant, called Hungry Bug.

Both live in this post-apocalyptic place called The Hole, where humans live and try to survive, because it is an absolutely hostile environment, especially because The Hole is frequently invaded by another species, the Sorcerers, who live in a dimension of their own, and display a magic fog that causes a lot of damage to Humans.

Naturally Caiman and Nikaido engage in fights with the Sorcerers, and when I say fights… I mean… Really violent ones. And nothing will stop them to find the Sorcerer behind what happened to Caiman.



Nevertheless the journey will be anything but easy for both Caiman and Nikaido, for, in the Sorcerers’ World, there is En (No really, that’s his name), the head of this powerful corporation who spreads the magic in the Hole, called The En Family, and who is sending his «cleaners» to kill our beloved protagonists, including the powerful Shin, who slices his victims and has a hammer as a weapon; the voluptuous and tall Noi, who is both Shin’s kohai and En’s cousin; Fujita, who wants revenge against Caiman for the death of his former partner, Matsumara; Ebisu, a petite girl who has a skull mask and a really weird attitude.

And of course, there are also amazing allies for Nikaido and Caiman; professor Kasukabe, an expert and passionate about sorcerers, and Jonson, a… cockroach.

No really. This is him…

images jonson

I have no comments.

I must continue by saying the following…


Seriously guys. I understand why the manga of Dorohedoro is so popular. This anime is absolutely bonkers!! Everything is so crazy, and so entertaining I really can’t stop watching every episode; like I said, the fights are absolutely violent, yet so enjoyable, and in many times, you will ask yourself.

«How is this even possible?»

Even for anime standards. Yet, the action is so creative and unpredictable you will enjoy every animated frame, going hand by hand with one of the most peculiar animation styles of 2020. (In fact, it can challenge Eizouken on that department, turning into a fight to death). Honestly, I don’t know if this is 2D  or 3D, but it perfectly matches with the insanity that is the plot.

Moreover, the soundtrack is so vivid and fluid that it adds to the fun. The band (K)NoW_NAME is in charge of the fantastic music, including the opening, «Welcome to Chaos», and the three endings… You heard me well. THREE!!!

  1. Who am I ?»,
  2. «Night SURFING»
  3. «D.D.D.D.»

Personally, after listening to this soundtrack, I thought…

«WOW!! I just found the perfect rivals of MYTH & ROID»

I can’t stop recommending this soundtrack enough, my friends. You can be listening to these songs for a very long time, and are perfect for parties and clubbing. Also, in my opinion, Welcome to Chaos is one of the best opening themes of 2020.

Along with…


Overall, the story gets better and better.

Personally, the anime adapts its source material better than other post-apocalyptic, full violence-packed, anime like Deadman Wonderland or Gyo Ugomeku Bukimi, and the fans will come back for more.



Before I forget, there is another sentence that perfectly describes the setting of Dorohedoro, and comes from Bayonetta:

«A World of just villains.»

«Or at least, anti-heroes.»

Yeah. Those were two. (Please don’t sue me.)

Because yes. Practically everyone in Dorohedoro is a villain, from Caiman to Shin, including Fujita and Ebisu. But there is this particular detail that makes all of them so likeable and charming, one statement that also fits for the characters of Bayonetta.

«They are so casual.»

All of them end up living life as a treasure, including Nikaido and Caiman, and they show a great care of each other, even those who are the true antagonists. Of course, not everyone will agree with my words, but I think it is almost like that.

And the masks of all of them were really nice.

So yeah… Good story, extreme action, beautiful animation, and… charming characters.



In conclusion, Dorohedoro is a must-see for this 2020, especially if you are a fan of the manga. One of the best anime of 2020, and one that, like with Keep your Hands off Eizouken!!, fans will revisit for quite a long time.

Dorohedoro consists of 12 episodes and 6 OVA. I will be watching all, but first…


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